Chapter 12: Trouble in the Forest

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Tch. Tch.

Swish. Crack.



Dust slowly rose into the air as a large and ferocious looking beast collapsed onto the forest floor. A pool of blood spread beneath its fallen corpse as three young and one adult shinobi landed atop the tree branches nearby. They were exactly Izaya, Haku, Kimimaro, and Yamato. They stood there whilst staring down at the demonic beast that they had just slain.

"Alright, it's your turn this time Kimimaro." Yamato said.

"Mn." Kimimaro nodded. He then jumped down to the fallen corpse and broke off the 4 giant horns from the beast as a show of proof that it had been hunted down and disposed of. I put my arms up and stretched before turning to Yamato-sensei and said, "So, are we going to set out for Konoha right after or should we head back to the town and rest for a night first?"

"Hmm...I think it'll be okay to take a break for the rest of the evening. Since we're near the border of fire country and the grasslands it'll take us at least a week and a half to two weeks to get back to Konoha, so let's head back to town first and we'll set out for Konoha in the morning." Yamato replied.

"Then we should enjoy the hot springs they have in town. It's been awhile since we just got to relax after all the missions we've been doing." Haku said.

Kimimaro took out a simple storage type sealing scroll and said, "Seal!" His chakra flowed out from the scroll and surrounded the 4 giant horns before dragging them into the scroll. Yamato nodded his head in approval and commented, "Once we turn this in that'll make 12 C-rank hunting missions of high grade complete."

I nodded my head. After we completed the Hankotsu mission Lord Third gave us in less than three days, he elected to give us more difficult C-rank missions. Team 7 has probably just finished their mission to escort Tazuna the bridge builder back to the land of waves right about now so that means it'll be about half a month before they get back to Konoha. I wonder if they fought Zabuza this time and if they did I wonder how it turned out. Yamato snapped me back out of my mental thoughts as he said, "Since Kimimaro is done let's go back to town now."

Just as we were about to leave my eyebrows twitched and I turned around. Yamato noticed my strange action and said, "What's wrong Izaya?"

At that moment I furrowed my brow and said in a serious tone, "Yamato-sensei, Haku, Kimimaro, prepare yourselves. I sense something approaching us from the south. It's moving incredibly fast and the amount of chakra it has is substantial."

Yamato also furrowed his brow and then said, "Formation A."

We automatically separated, Yamato and Haku moving together on one branch, and Kimimaro and I moving together standing on another branch opposite them 5 meters away. We focused our attention in the southern direction as the unknown entity approached closer and closer at a rapid pace. The closer it got the more alarmed I became. The chakra I sensed coming off of it became denser and more sinister the closer it got.

"Everyone, be careful! I sense a sinister chakra coming off it's body, it might be a powerful demonic beast!"

Just as I finished speaking the entity finally came into view. A large, 3 meters two-legged, winged creature with a long beak demonic face appeared. "A Tengu!" Yamato exclaimed. He then turned serious. Tengu's are powerful demonic beasts that reside deep within mountains or forests and some cultivate their strength by absorbing the blood of other demonic beasts or humans. There aren't many of them left in the world, to think that one would appear here and now of all places. It must have sensed our battle and come to reap the spoils Yamato thought.

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