Chapter 60: The Sixth Hokage!

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War Recap:

Kaguya has been revived. Haku, Kimimaro, Sasuke, Naruto, and Izaya are in the midst of a world-shaking battle against her.


The entire dimension shook and trembled. The sky became filled with dark storm clouds. The wind roared and howled as if it were a raging dragon. Craters formed so deep the bottom couldn't be seen. The battle currently in place within this dimension was so fierce that mountains split and rivers formed. The very terrain shifted and changed with every fist thrown and every Jutsu casted.

Haku rode atop his frozen ice dragon Jutsu evading and countering. He did all he could in order to weaken Kaguya. He quickly formed the Ram hand sign and shouted, "Sage Art: Ice Style Freezing Liquid Jutsu!" A mass of dense freezing liquid condensed in the air and began to move towards Kaguya.

I quickly weaved the Horse hand sign and shouted, "Sage Art: Fire Style Majestic Destroyer Flame Jutsu!" From my breath I exhaled a flame that spread across for several tens of meters tall and wide.

Naruto quickly placed his hands together and tapped into the power of the Five Tails, Kokuo, and shouted, "Sage Art: Vapor Style Unrivaled Strength!" A large gaseous cloud of extreme boiling heat rushed towards Kaguya as she was surrounded in three corners by the three massive attacks aimed at her. As she was about to fly down towards the ground to avoid the attack Kimimaro quickly shouted, "All Killing Ash Bones: Thousand Spears of Death!" Immediately multiple sharp ash bones shot out from the ground and upwards towards Kaguya. Without any choice she quickly looked up to the sky and just as she was about to fly upwards to escape Sasuke shouted, "Kirin!"


The sound of thunder echoed across the entire dimension as a great dragon made of pure lightning dropped down from the sky and flew straight at Kaguya with blinding fast speed. Kaguya gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes in frustration as she quickly gathered her powerful chakra all around her body and chose to dive straight through Haku's attack instead of taking on the brunt of all five attacks aimed at her together.


Not a moment later all of our attacks met in the middle and created a devastating storm of powerful chaotic energy. Kaguya, however, managed to escape albeit her right arm was covered in frost and began to become discolored. She frowned as she took note that her right arm was no longer usable so she quickly chopped it off. In but merely a few seconds she regrew another arm good as new. Before we could attempt another attack she quickly arrived before Haku and struck out with her fist. Haku barely had time to respond as he raised up his arms to shield himself.


"GUH!" Haku groaned as he was knocked flying through the air and crashing through the ground.

Kimimaro quickly dashed over and aimed a powerful kick straight at Kaguya's head, however, Kaguya quickly threw a punch into a portal as another portal carrying Kaguya's fist opened up next to Kimimaro's side. Being caught off guard by Kaguya's unconventional attack he too was knocked flying off into the distance.

Naruto frowned and quickly flew down from the sky in his giant Kurama cloaked form and slammed one of his giant chakra tails at her. Kaguya quickly responded by creating hundreds of her own giant chakra arms and parried his attack before successfully gripping one of his tails and swung him around flinging him off into the distance.

Just as Sasuke arrived before her a dark portal appeared in front of him forcing him to halt in his tracks before he could fall inside. The portal managed to obscure his vision as Kaguya whipped her long white hair around and slammed Sasuke off into one of the giant mountainous hills in the distance. I furrowed my brow as I quickly approached where she was.

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