Chapter 53: Ashina Uzumaki

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War Recap:

First Division: Locked in battle by the sea against White Zetsu Army and reanimated shinobi.

Second Division: Hanabi and Kimimaro in Second Division. Kurotsuchi is Captain, Izaya is named Vice Captain.

Third Division: Kakashi, Haku, Guy, Sakura, and Sasuke in this division are currently facing off against the 7 Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist as well as Might Duy, Fugaku, and Tobirama.

Fourth Division: Battlefield Won!

Fifth Division: Aiding the First Division

Others: Naruto, Bee, Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo are traveling together.

Second Division

A cold breeze blew through the air as the temperature in the surrounding area dropped to 12 degrees celsius. White snow blanketed the landscape as many in the Shinobi Alliance lightly shivered from the new frosty climate. Hanabi was currently standing outside the tent of HQ for her shift on guard duty with a large warm fur coat draped over her shoulders to keep her warm as she pondered to herself. The war started on October 6th but it's already December 9th. The Fourth Division successfully defeated Jiraiya and the previous Four Kage so they had immediately set out to provide reinforcements for the First, Second, and Third Division battlefields. With their aid the war has slowly begun to tip in favor of the Alliance.

The First Division was alleviated of a great deal of pressure and the Third Division was able to seal away the remaining Four Ninja Swordsmen. All that's left is sealing away Might Duy, Uchiha Fugaku, and the Second Hokage Tobirama. They were a bit trickier to deal with due to the new variable of a large White Zetsu unit joining in the battle, but the situation was still manageable. As for us, the Second Division, the reanimated Fu, Torune, Chiyo, and Konan have already been successfully sealed away. All that's left is to seal away Hanzo which Lord Fifth Hokage is dealing with right now. The White Zetsu here have mostly been dealt with thanks to Izaya. As she thought of Izaya she started to pout and frown a little. It was at that moment that Hinata, who was also on guard duty alongside Hanabi, noticed her pouting facial expression and let out a small laugh.

Hanabi hearing Hinata laugh to herself turned around and said, "What's so funny?"

Hinata's cheeks turned pink as she was caught and smiled sheepishly. "N-Nothing!"

Hanabi narrowed her eyes unconvinced. "Liar. Spill."

Hinata let out a sigh of defeat. "Ahem. It's just that you were pouting. And you only pout like that when you're thinking of Izaya."

It was now Hanabi's turn to have her cheeks flush pink as she realized her sister Hinata found her out. "D-Do I really pout like that when I think of him?"

Hinata smiled and nodded her head. "Yup. You do that when you think of him and you usually always say how he's probably doing something stupid and dangerous all by himself. You then complain about how he never brings you along and-" Before Hinata could finish Hanabi rushed over and placed her hand over Hinata's lips. "O-Okay! I got it. No need to spill out my secrets. Jeez...I mean sure I know he's capable but can't he be a bit more aware of how worried I am when he leaves so suddenly and is gone for days on end."

Hinata chuckled as she said, "You're pouting again."

Hanabi stood back on her spot and turned her back to Hinata grumbling softly to herself. "Hmpf. It can't be helped though. It was his 17th birthday 6 days ago but he hasn't been back for nearly two weeks…Even though we're at war I at least wanted to celebrate his birthday with him. Even if it would only be a small and short event."

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