Chapter 50: Reunion with Hanabi

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A quick recap of the happenings of the war:

First Division: Locked in battle by the sea against White Zetsu Army and reanimated shinobi.

Second Division: Hanabi and Kimimaro are currently facing off against the White Zetsu Army.

Third Division: Kakashi, Haku, Guy, Sakura, and others in this division are currently facing off against the 7 Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist as well as Might Duy and Fugaku.

Fourth Division: Gaara's company with the aid of Onoki are currently facing the former 4 Kage and Jiraiya.

Fifth Division: Aiding the First Division

Others: Hiruzen is still held up in a fight against Kagami and trying to make his way to the Fourth Division. Reanimated Tobirama and Itachi attacked HQ. Inoichi, Shikaku, Ao, and Mabui are dead. Tobirama left for the 3rd Division battlefield while Itachi and Nagato have encountered Sasuke, Naruto, and Izaya.

Alright that should do it for the quick recap.


At this moment six shinobi were engaged in a heated battle of epic proportions that had been going on for more than 3 hours now. They were exactly Sasuke, Naruto, Killer Bee, and myself engaged in combat against Itachi and Nagato. Trees flew in the air as they were chopped down or uprooted. Water from the river sprung forth towards the sky for hundreds of meters before falling back down. Craters of tens and hundreds of feet wide and deep were formed from the force of the battle.


A fierce high pitched whistling of the wind could be heard as an orange blade swung downwards through the air with great force while a purple blade swung upwards, both clashing at the halfway point. The blast generated from the contact of the two great Susanoo blades decimating the forest surrounding Itachi and Sasuke.


Amongst the scattered trees being thrown around through the area was also Killer Bee who tumbled through the air as he turned, twisted, and rolled uncontrollably past the clash between Itachi and Sasuke. He was launched incredibly far away from Nagato's attack while Naruto attempted to launch a Rasenshuriken only for it to be completely absorbed by Nagato's Preta Path ability.

I took note of Nagato's temporary lowered guard and quickly threw my special kunai at him and Itachi while activating the Kunai Shadow Clone Jutsu creating more than a thousand kunai. They shot forth like bullets launched from a gatling gun leaving only a white and silver streak of light wherever they passed. Itachi quickly shielded himself with his Yata Mirror while Nagato utilized his Almighty Push ability deflecting my attack. Just as Nagato ended his Jutsu Naruto quickly stuck his hand under the ground and created an orange chakra arm that rose up from beneath Nagato capturing him and preventing him from moving. I used that chance to form the Snake sign and stuck out my right palm saying, "Wood Style Wood Snake Jutsu!" A giant wooden snake shot forth from my hand at high speeds biting Nagato's body before completely smothering him in a tight coil of wood with a sealing tag on it. Just before Nagato was completely sealed away he smiled and apologized. "Sorry for the trouble I caused. Take care, everyone."

Itachi smiled in approval as he praised, "Good job! Now quickly seal me away next!"

Sasuke had his Susanoo shoot a purple arrow at Itachi who blocked it with his Yata Mirror. Naruto created several clones to attack and distract Itachi while Bee shot forth a Tailed Beast Bomb. Once again Itachi used his Mirror to block the Beast Bomb. I used this chance to once more launch a barrage of hundreds of Kunai Shadow Clones aimed at the back of Itachi's Susanoo while Sasuke kept Itachi's Totsuka blade occupied by attacking with his own Susanoo's sword. Just before all of my kunai were about to hit their mark I activated the power of my left Mangekyo shrinking them to a fourth of their actual size. The piercing power of my attack increased exponentially and punctured a hole in the back of Itachi's Susanoo. Itachi quickly jumped out of the protection of his Susanoo only to be met with Naruto's punch. Just as he placed his arms up to guard I teleported to Naruto's location and placed my right hand out as a wooden snake emerged once more. Just as the snake was about to engulf Itachi he incinerated it with his Amaterasu and jumped backwards away from us.

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