Chapter 43: Five Kage Summit

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Kimimaro and Kakashi sat in complete silence and boredom along with the other guards and advisors of the other great village's while the Five Kage continued their talks. A, the Raikage spoke at this moment, "Oi Mizukage, you should be ashamed. There are rumors going around that Akatsuki was founded in your village!" Mei sighed with an apologetic face as she said, "Well, now that we've come to this point there's no point in trying to hide it. There were rumors going around that the Fourth Mizukage Yagura was being manipulated in the shadows by the Akatsuki. Under his rule the Village Hidden in the Mist became even more cruel and corrupt. We in the resistance fought hard and eventually regained control. We wanted to suppress the rumors going around so as to try and rebuild the reputation for the Hidden Mist Village and stabilize the situation."

A continued to shout in frustration. "Hmpf. Konoha, Iwa, Suna, Kiri, Akatsuki was mainly formed from missing ninja of your villages! And now we learn that it might be Uchiha Madara behind the Akatsuki! Not only that. Mizukage, it was two shinobi of the seven swordsmen of the mist that attacked my brother Bee. Momochi Zabuza and Hoshigaki Kisame! Those bastards managed to escape. I still haven't paid them back for what they did! And Onoki, you even used and hired the Akatsuki in the past!"

Onoki sat in his seat with a look of annoyance before glancing at A saying, "Tsk. And who's fault is that? If only Kumogakure had stuck to the previous agreement for each nation to reduce their military might we would not have had to resort to using the mercenary group known as Akatsuki. Instead of honoring the agreement Kumo instead secretly expanded their military and stole secret information from other villages."

"What did you say!" A exclaimed with a glare while smashing his fist on the table in front of him.

Gaara let out a sigh before speaking. "We have all suffered at the hands of the Akatsuki. They have brought ruin, destruction, and pain to all of us. Orochimaru killed the Fourth Kazekage and attacked Konoha. Pain destroyed much of Konoha's foundation. Deidara destroyed many of Iwagakure's foundations as well. Kisame and Zabuza have dealt a heavy blow to Kumogakure, and the Fourth Mizukage was even manipulated by the Akatsuki. They have collected and extracted many of the Tailed Beasts for unknown reasons. We know that their power reaches far but we don't know how far. What do they plan to do with the power of the Tailed Beasts? And if it is truly Uchiha Madara behind the Akatsuki, then it is all the more reason that we need to decide how we shall proceed forward. It will be too much for any one nation to handle on their own."

Onoki smirked as he glanced at Gaara and then at A. "Heh. Kazekage, you are still a youngling. You gave a good summary and have an optimistic outlook, but even if you mean well you have not had the chance to experience the hidden dangers of political agreements amongst nations. As you can see, even if we come to an agreement here it does not mean that others will uphold their end of the deal."

The Raikage clenched his fist as a thick vein popped out of his forehead in annoyance and anger while he stared at Onoki's underlying meaning. Tsunade and Mei just watched in silence as the Tsuchikage and Raikage argued with each other for a bit.

"Tsk. A stubborn old rock and a hot tempered muscle head." Tsunade clicked her tongue as she silently mumbled to herself.

Gaara closed his eyes in deep contemplation before speaking once more. "In the end we cannot trust each other. If that is how humanity looks at the world, then we have no future."

Onoki raised his eyebrow at Gaara. "Hm? What is it you want to say?" Gaara paused momentarily in silence before looking straight at him. "Obstructing ourselves from understanding and trusting each other will only breed a world of fear. To submit oneself with no regard for what is right is something I find difficult to accept."

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