Chapter 6: Konoha

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The next morning Kimimaro, Haku, and I met in the hallway of our apartment. "Even though we haven't gotten our stipend for food yet we still have the ryo from the bandits we killed. That should be plenty enough for us to buy some new clothes and gear." I said as I quickly gave Haku and Kimimaro a once over.

Yup, they definitely need a makeover. I can't have Haku continue dressing like he currently is. He's making his gender too ambiguous. He could be very popular with the ladies with the right outfit. As for Kimimaro, well, it's a bit inconvenient for him to wear too much clothes due to his special Kekkei Genkai so I guess less is more for him.

"Follow me, I'll help you both pick out new outfits and then we can go grab some breakfast."

"Okay big brother. I could use some new senbon needles anyway." Haku replied.

"Mn." Kimimaro simply nodded.

It didn't take us long to reach the clothing shop that Kotetsu showed us yesterday. It was called essential gear and wear tailor. Simple and to the point I thought. As we entered we were politely greeted by the shop owner who also gave us a curious glance more than once. I heard her mumble something about not being familiar with our faces before.

I guess we did look strange enough that if anyone saw us at least once they would of had an impression. We were three strange kids after all and one looked like a girl, one looked to be blind, and the last had two strange red dots atop his forehead. The entire time we were in the shop, the owner, an old lady, didn't try to hide the fact that she was staring at us. I don't blame her. It was early in the morning and we were the only customers in her shop, furthermore it looked like the blind kid, me, was the one picking the outfits for the other two kids.

I suppose we did make for a comedic scene like a blind mama duck and her two baby ducks following suit. After an hour of browsing, contemplation, and trying on various outfits we had finally found the ones.

For Haku he sported a white t-shirt and a blue vest with high rise collar. He wore white wrist guards, blue pants with black greaves, white bandages wrapped around his right thigh, a turquoise color jacket tied on his waist, and a ninja tool pouch on his right waist. Mn. I nodded silently to myself. He looks much better like this.

As for Kimimaro, he wore a long sleeve white haori with black borders and a black sash tying it in place by his waist with no shirt underneath, while donning a black capri pants. Once again I nodded in satisfaction. Simple truly is best for Kimimaro.

As for myself, I chose a long sleeve black cloak with a high rise collar that had 9 white tomoe patterns printed on the back. I wore a white t-shirt underneath and put on black pants with white bandage wraps around both legs from below the knee to my ankles. I also had a ninja tool pouch on my right waist. As we went to pay for our new attire at the counter the old lady struck up a conversation with us, no longer being able to contain her curiosity.

"Well hello young lads. My name is Mito, I hope you found everything alright." She smiled and said in an old but very gentle voice.

"Ah, yes, you have a great variety of clothing here which gives us a lot more options." I replied.

Mito gave an inquisitive look as she rang up the payment number and said, "I apologize if I'm being intrusive but I couldn't help noticing that you were the one who chose the outfits."

"Ahem." I coughed. Then replied as kindly and as convincingly as possible, "Well, my companions here aren't that picky with their fashion sense and so I took it upon myself to help out. I happen to be a sensory type ninja so even though I'm blind it makes me more attuned to my other senses. Perhaps you didn't hear us since we moved around a bit but I asked my companions what the color and style of the clothing were before picking for them. I simply piece what I imagined it to look like in my head."

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