Chapter 30: Tenchi Bridge

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"Eh? This wind? Is there a storm coming?" Silent Mist asked aloud. I furrowed my brow. "No. This chakra...I thought we could arrive earlier than the scheduled meeting time but it seems that Yamato-sensei, Sakura, Naruto, and Sai have already met with Sasori's spy. And I'm willing to bet that Orochimaru was there as well. This wind is caused by a massive build up of chakra. Do you both remember learning about the Tailed Beasts during our Anbu training? Konoha has one called the Nine-Tails and it was sealed into Naruto by Lord Fourth. I'm afraid the Nine-Tails is exerting its influence on Naruto and attempting to break out of the seal. When that happens, Naruto can gain a massive amount of chakra from the Nine-Tails, but the longer this continues the greater the chance the Nine-Tails has at breaking free. Naruto must have met with Orochimaru and got angry when he saw him since he was reminded of Sasuke. Let's hurry!" I said as we sped up even more.


"What?!" Reaper and Silent Mist exclaimed as we saw and felt a powerful blast of wind caused by the aftershock of some attack. We all quickly jumped towards the ground to help stabilize our bodies better as the surrounding trees, branches, and dirt blew around and past us. "Seems the battle has begun." I said as I sensed a powerful mass of chakra, undoubtedly Naruto cloaked in the Nine-Tails chakra, engaged in battle with another person who also had a powerful source of chakra. It was definitely Orochimaru.

Fwish Fwish Fwish!

"Eh?" Yamato exclaimed as he noticed three figures arrive behind him and Sakura. "AH? You guys are…" Yamato immediately recognized who we were, after all he was the one to complete our induction as Anbu.

"Anbu from the Hidden Leaf?" Sakura exclaimed surprised as well.

"We have come on orders from Lord Third to assist incase of an emergency situation. It appears this can count." I said as I took a look at the destruction around us.


The battle raged on in the forest a few miles ahead of us. "It seems the Nine-Tails has gone on a rampage." I commented.

"...Yeah...I'm afraid Naruto has lost his sense of rationality when he saw Orochimaru." Yamato said.

"Where's the spy you were supposed to meet with?" Silent Mist asked.

"It was Yakushi Kabuto. He was blown away by the blast earlier. Who knows if he's still alive." Yamato said.

"He's alive alright. Something like this isn't enough to kill him." I responded with indifference.

"I need to suppress the Nine-Tails inside of Naruto before the situation gets any worse." Yamato said.

"I'll help you. Silent Mist, you stay here with Sakura. Reaper, you come with us just incase we need backup." I replied and ordered.

"Mn." Silent Mist and Reaper nodded in agreement.

"I'll be counting on you then." Yamato said as he, Reaper, and I ran off to the battlefield. "Reaper, keep an eye on Orochimaru and don't let him approach Yamato and I. Yamato, I will restrain Naruto while you suppress the Nine-Tails!" I said quickly as we arrived.

"Mn." They both assented.

"Oh? Anbu of Konoha?" Orochimaru commented as he noticed our presence. Just as Naruto was about to rush out and strike again I formed the Snake hand sign and said, "Wood Style Silent Strangle Jutsu!" Thick branches of wood tendrils appeared beneath Naruto and continued to wrap around each of his limbs and four tailed chakra cloaks effectively restraining him. When one started to break I created more wood tendrils to take its place. Yamato formed the signs of Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Ram, Monkey, Tiger and said, "Hokage Style Elder Jutsu!" A large encirclement of wood in a set formation surrounded Naruto as Yamato placed his hands on Naruto's chest forming a blue chakra line that slowly suppressed the Nine-Tails.

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