Chapter 58: The Infinite Tsukuyomi

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War Recap:

The Third Hokage, Third Tsuchikage, and Fourth Raikage were killed by Madara. Kurotsuchi was named the 4th Tsuchikage. Madara has absorbed the Ten Tails. Tsunade has sacrificed her life to save Naruto. Sasuke is gravely injured. The Reanimation has been released. Orochimaru has been revived and he has left with Izaya to revive the Fourth Hokage.

A powerful aura swept out across the world as Madara stood where the Ten Tails used to be. He laughed hysterically at his success and looked down at his hands clenching them into a fist that exuded raw power. Several black truth seeking orbs floated behind him and a black long staff appeared by his side. After taking a moment to observe his new form as the Ten Tails Jinchuriki he looked up to the sky and saw large bright white lights ascending to the Heavens. Madara smirked saying to himself, "Well now, it appears someone was actually able to stop the caster of the Reanimation. Not bad, however, it's too late. I already revived and have become the Ten Tails Jinchuriki. It is time to bring peace to this broken world."

Just as Madara finished speaking to himself a large Tori gate fell from the sky and landed right on top of him pinning him to the ground. Soon after several more large Tori gates fell and piled on top seeking to restrain him as Hashirama's voice could be heard, "Sage Art: Gracious Deity Gates!"

The next voice to be heard was Ashina's as he shouted, "Adamantine Sealing Chains!" Gold chains erupted from his back as they rushed out to bind Madara's limbs. Madara simply scoffed in amusement and flexed his muscles instantly breaking the chains apart and blowing the Tori gates into smithereens. Hashirama, Tobirama, and Ashina frowned at how easily Madara broke free of their techniques. Madara simply stood unmoving as he stared at the remaining three reanimated shinobi and smiled.

"So, after the reanimation was released you three regained control of your bodies and rescinded the contract seal of the reanimation on your end. I had a feeling that would be the case, but you're all too late. I have already become the Ten Tails Jinchuriki. You three don't have the power to stop me anymore." Just as Madara finished talking he widened his eye in surprise sensing an attack aimed right at him and quickly raised up his black staff blocking a Sage powered Ice Dragon Jutsu. He then quickly jumped up and floated in the air successfully dodging hundreds of sharp bone protrusions that sprung up from the ground beneath him. Madara turned to his left and saw a disappointed and anxious looking Haku and Kimimaro. He smirked and praised, "So, you two are still alive? Not bad attacks. I had monitored your situation earlier. Didn't you seal away Ashina? Did you unseal him when the reanimation was released so that he could help you all against me? Not a bad idea, but futile."

Madara quickly turned his head in Sasuke and Naruto's direction completely surprised. "Hm? Those two aren't dead yet?"

At that very moment Sasuke and Naruto opened their eyes and slowly got back up on their feet with looks of determination on their faces. Sakura breathed out a sigh of relief but quickly turned to catch Tsunade's frail old frame as her body slowly fell to the ground. Just as Sakura caught her master, a white light quickly appeared and disappeared as it vanished inside of Tsunade's body. In mere moments Tsunade's old wrinkly body began softening up again into bright healthy and smooth skin. Sakura looked down in confusion as she witnessed her master, who was supposed to be dead at that moment after using a sacrificial revival Jutsu, become reinvigorated with life.

Tsunade slowly opened her eyes with a weary look and coughed. She lay still and weak in Sakura's arms despite no longer looking like an old woman. She looked Sakura in the eye and spoke hoarsely and weakly, "Sakura. It's okay. It seems my time hasn't quite come yet. It appears that Izaya was able to stop Kabuto and release the Reanimation Jutsu. Thanks to that I got to meet Dan. He used his Ghost Transformation Jutsu and arrived just in time sharing his chakra with me. I won't die just yet, but my body is physically exhausted. Don't worry about me. Go. Stop Madara. We can't let him win."

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