Chapter 4: Long Journey

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Pitter patter pitter patter. The sound of rain continued to fall as a small pot hovered over a fire that lit up a cave with three children huddled around it. They continued to eat out of wooden bowls with wooden spoons. These three were exactly Karasuma Izaya, Yuki Haku, and Kaguya Kimimaro.

Izaya sat down staring at the flames of the fire, going through the motions of dipping his spoon into the soup and bringing it to his mouth for a taste as he basked in the comfortable silence of the cave. The only sounds that could be heard was the constant falling of rain outside the cave, the occasional firewood breaking apart from the heat of the flame, and the sounds of slurping made from the three kids eating soup.

After months and months of weary traveling we had finally made it past the valley lands and into the land of fire country's territory. We had to take some detours and roundabout ways to avoid unnecessary attention and potentially life threatening situations. It'll probably take us another month before reaching Konohagakure. By the time we get there I reckon Naruto and Sasuke would have already enrolled into the academy. The hard part is that we'll definitely be detected by Konoha's barrier and be restrained.

In order to resolve things smoothly I need to convince the Third Hokage of letting us stay in Konoha. Thankfully his personality should be of a very understanding and amiable old grandpa, but there's no telling if they'd even let us speak face to face with lord third. I inwardly sighed and looked down at my bowl of soup and mused to myself at how we ended up getting it.

*Flashback to two days ago*

Kimimaro, Haku and I continued to travel through the Valley lands and headed towards the border near fire country when I sensed something amiss. Since I'm a sensory type ninja my senses were more keen than others. I slowed down my pace eventually stopping near a cliff of the valley. "What's wrong big brother?" Haku asked.

Kimimaro silently waited for me to answer. I turned to look at them and said, "I sensed something off. A mile from here there seems to be about a dozen people stopped in their tracks. It looks like two guys are at the forefront obstructing their way." It was then at that moment that an epiphany hit me. Surprisingly I recognized these two chakra signatures. They definitely belonged to the two bandits with that guy I killed named Kanwai. I believe their names were Jugo and Sen. I inwardly sneered.

"I think there are two bandits trying to rob a roaming merchant caravan."

Kimimaro narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't worry, I'll do everything I can to protect you both."

Haku then turned to him with a soft smile and said, "No, we will protect each other."

I nodded. "Let's first get a closer look. They're in the valley down below whilst we're up on higher ground so we have an advantage. We'll wait for an opportunity and track them down. When they let their guard down I'll cast a genjutsu on them. Kimimaro, you take them out with your taijutsu, Haku you provide support."

"Okay." Haku and Kimimaro assented.

We approached the scene of robbery in time to see the merchants give in to the bandits. They willfully gave away some of their food rations, equipment, and money before the two bandits left. I carefully tracked their movements through my sensory perception while we followed suit, being careful not to get too close so as not to expose our presence. After 15 minutes of playing follow the leader they finally stopped in a secluded area surrounded by rocks and tall cliffs.

"Hahaha did you see the looks on their faces." Cackled Jugo.

Sen grinned while holding a hefty bag of coins in his hands. "It's unfortunate that Kanwai can't enjoy our fortune with us. I swear I'll kill the bastard that robbed us and killed Kanwai." Sen remarked with a scowl.

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