Chapter 49: Joining the War

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The moon rose in the air as the darkness of the night blanketed the world in a cold shadow. A few days had already passed since the beginning of the war. Each battlefield struggling to gain the upper-hand. The casualties continued to climb higher and higher. All members of the shinobi alliance were currently on edge and the decreased visibility of the night didn't help to alleviate their symptoms one bit. It was also at this time of the night that two of the most highly skilled and powerful reanimated shinobi dashed through the forest in complete silence. They made absolutely no noise as they travelled to their targeted destination. The first to speak was the reanimated shinobi who had white hair and was clad in blue armor.

"I never imagined that I would succumb to my own Jutsu. The first time was Orochimaru's doing. Now someone else has gained control of this technique. If there is one thing I regret during the time I was still alive it would be the creation of this Jutsu."

The other reanimated shinobi simply sighed as he said, "We cannot undo what has already been done Lord Second Hokage. We can only hope that someone will be able to find this Jutsu's caster and undo the technique. I have a bad feeling about the destination this Jutsu's caster is making us head towards."

Tobirama frowned as well as he too had a bad feeling. "You know who I am but I do not know who you are. You possess the Sharingan so you are from the Uchiha Clan. What is your name?"

"I am Uchiha Itachi."

Tobirama nodded in acknowledgement. "Itachi eh? You seem quite young. Since I don't know who you are you must have been born after my time. How is the Uchiha Clan doing these days?"

Itachi's facial expression faltered a bit at the question. After a momentary pause he replied, "They are all dead...At least most of them."

Tobirama widened his eyes in complete shock. "What do you mean all dead? Don't tell me that the Clan tried to do something drastic prompting the village to take them out? Tch, I knew something like this might have happened."

Itachi let out a sigh in lament. "I was the one to kill them."

"What? You? But aren't you a member of the Uchiha Clan? Why did you end up killing your own Clan members?"

"I was given an ultimatum from Danzo. Back then the Third Hokage relinquished his position to the Fourth Hokage. During that time something happened and the Nine Tails was unleashed upon the village. The Fourth sacrificed his life to protect the village and sealed away the Nine Tails. The Third took up his position again as Hokage and after investigating the matter the village discovered that the Nine Tails attack on the village was under the control of the Sharingan. They ostracized the Uchiha Clan in suspicion and stripped away any influence the Clan had in the village. This resulted in angering the Clan and overtime they planned a coup d'etat. In order to prevent any bloodshed in the village and to prevent the possibility of another war breaking out I accepted Danzo's ultimatum and massacred the Uchiha Clan, save for my innocent little brother. I chose to bear this burden for the Clan and the village to uphold the honor of the Uchiha name and to prevent unnecessary bloodshed. I wished for my little brother to grow up and kill me which would be the end of that matter."

Tobirama had a pensive look on his face. "I see. How admirable of you. Despite being an Uchiha Clan member you are a true Leaf shinobi. Although I am technically dead and my words hold no particular weight now, as the Second Hokage I thank you for preventing a calamitous event from befalling the Leaf. Was it discovered who controlled the Nine Tails with the Sharingan?"

Itachi didn't care for Tobirama's words of thanks and completely ignored his sympathy. "The one who controlled the Nine Tails to attack the village was Madara."

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