Chapter 62: The End and a New Beginning

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Time Skip 2 years

I sat in complete silence within the Hokage's office as I stared at the calendar before me in deep contemplation. The seconds slowly trickled by with the only sounds being the tapping of my fingers on the table and the clock on the wall ticking away. I finally let out a loud sigh speaking to no one in particular. "Haaaaaa...What am I going to do? Naruto and Hinata's wedding is coming up soon. So many people want to attend but how am I going to decide who gets to go? I totally skimmed this part in my past life and went right to the end. Plus, things aren't exactly the same as they were as I remembered them. And on top of that I feel sort of guilty."

As the feelings of guilt and frustration welled up inside of me I turned to look at the picture on my desk. It was a picture of Hanabi and I as we happily walked through the gardens of Konoha.

"Hanabi...I'm sure a lot of people thought that Hanabi and I would get married first, but things have just been so hectic. As the Hokage I had to deal with all the problems and issues related to the village and those related outside of the village. As for Hanabi, she's been busy by taking up most of the responsibilities the Hyuga clan head would have in preparation for when she actually takes over."

I sighed once more as I thought to myself, we haven't had the time to really sit down and talk about our future together. I still love her more than anything, but things haven't calmed down until just recently. After two long years the village is finally not only stable, but starting to prosper. The ASF HQ has been established and the relations between all Five Great Ninja Villages is better than ever. But before I even had the chance to ask Hanabi to marry me, Naruto proposed to Hinata first. Everyone is currently focused on their wedding so it would be weird for Hanabi and I to get married around the same time. It might make for an awkward situation where people might not know who's wedding to focus on. I'll have to wait until after Naruto and Hinata's wedding.

"I promise you Hanabi." I said as I glanced at the ring box next to our picture.

I was brought out of my mental thoughts as a voice spoke within my mind at that moment. A voice that I haven't heard in a long time. Senko's voice. "Izaya. It took longer than I had anticipated, but I've recovered to the point where I no longer need to take any energy from you. You should feel that after all this time having only access to half of your chakra reserves, you've only grown stronger. Now with your full chakra reserves back your chakra pool is massive. No less than that of a Tailed Beasts."

I was still momentarily dazed at Senko's sudden interjection but quickly recovered and happily rejoiced, "Senko! You're finally awake! It's about time."

"Yes yes. I apologize for taking so much of your energy all this time."

"Then have you finally fully recovered?"

"Ahem. I can't say that I have. I've recovered to the point where I can freely speak with you, however I am still unable to move about on my own. I can't yet detach from your body. And truthfully I may never be able to recover to the point where I can truly detach from your body, but one can hope."

I slightly frowned at Senko's comment. "Senko, how did you get so injured?"

A moment of silence filled the room before Senko answered. "A long while back you asked me how I knew about the Otsutsuki clan and Kaguya."

I nodded as that memory resurfaced. "Right. But we didn't have a lot of time then since we were in the middle of fighting Kaguya. Back then you mentioned something about the Heavenly Ocean Sage Owatatsumi, the Otsutsuki clan, and something about the Heavenly Purge. What is all of that?"

"Oh? I'm surprised. Has your brother Haku not told you anything about the Heavenly Ocean Sage Owatatsumi after all this time? Surely he would know a thing or two by now?"

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