Chapter 17: Sasuke Uchiha

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Chapter 17

Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji just sat there in the bush. Jaws dropped and eyes wide. Shikamaru was the first to recover from his shock and said in a nervous tone, "Oi. Ino. Choji. We will never piss this guy off. Absolutely. Never. Ever. Got that?"

Ino and Choji nodded their heads in agreement as fast as they could, "Mn Mn."

Up in the treetops Tenten was completely covered in cold sweat while Neji had an incredibly complicated look on his face. She swallowed her saliva before saying with a nervous tone, "Hey. Neji. If you had to fight him, how would you do it?"

He furrowed his brow without answering for a good minute before saying, "If by fight you mean spar, then I would gladly fight with him anytime, anywhere. If you mean fight to the death like the one we just witnessed, then with my current strength, I don't even want to entertain the idea. No matter what I thought of him before I never imagined him as a Taijutsu type. In fact, even now I don't see him as a Taijutsu type shinobi, however, watching him fight against those three ninja almost felt like I was watching Guy-sensei in action himself."

"Mn. I agree. What the hell was with that last move he just used? It felt so similar to Guy-sensei's special Eight Inner Gates Technique." Tenten commented.

"Mn. You're right. If my guess is correct then they are similar techniques. He did say that the name of that technique was the Eight Extreme Fists Taijutsu skill. When I used my Byakugan earlier to observe his technique I noticed that his Eight Extreme Fists is somewhat similar to Guy-sensei's Eight Inner Gates. Although I've seen it with my Byakugan, I still don't really know how he accomplished such power. To explain what I did see I'll need to first talk about our bodies.

In our bodies there are 8 major gates with many meridians spread throughout. Our meridians create a channel for our chakra to flow through our body. Think of those channels as rivers and the 8 gates as dams. The gates hold a large reservoir of chakra like a dam holds water. The channels let chakra flow into our body at a steady and constant pace like a river lets water flow in a natural stream. River's are not bottomless, nor are they infinitely wide. The same goes for our meridian channels. Our channels are not infinitely deep nor are they infinitely wide.

What happens when you flood a river with too much water? It starts rising and eventually floods the land. What if you flood your meridian channels with too much chakra? The chakra flows out of the meridians into your cells, tissues, bones, and muscles. It grants the user exponential strength and power allowing them to move beyond the limits of normal beings. That's what happens when you unleash the gates. For a limited time you gain more power with the more gates you open, the drawback being the more burden you put on your body. His Eight Extreme Fists did the opposite. Instead of fully opening the gate he closed it off completely."

"Eh? What? Then how did that help increase his power?" Tenten asked.

"Mn. I'm not too sure. I only know that he closed the 8th gate completely. The 8th gate is one that surrounds our hearts. If you open that gate you put too much burden on the heart with the excess energy that flows into it and therefore you would undoubtedly die. He, however, closed that gate instead. When you close the gate it isn't as dangerous. The reason is because there is already energy stored there and your heart can deal with the normal amount of energy in that gate. It's only a problem if you keep the gate closed for too long since the energy will either eventually dissipate or it'll over agitate the area since there's nowhere else the energy can flow. Before I could observe more of the technique I had to turn off my Byakugan since the golden light released from his technique hurt even my eyes. One thing is for certain though, that technique incurs harm and risk to the body just like Guy-sensei's Eight Inner Gates. The bones in his entire right arm are completely shattered." Neji said.

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