Chapter 35: Discussion

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A screen continued to monitor Izaya's heart rate and condition as he lay unconscious on a hospital bed while several people stood around the room. "Tsk. That bastard! It must've been Danzo!" Tsunade cursed.

"Hmm...If you were trying to gather evidence before you could convict Danzo in public, then I suggest you forget about it. This should be evidence enough already don't you think?" Jiraiya commented. Hiruzen narrowed his eyes in deep thought. "Then what do you suggest I do?" Hiruzen said as he stared out the window. Yamato clenched his fist as he said, "Please excuse me if I seem brash but this time Danzo has truly gone too far! Not only has he continued to keep his disbanded organization intact but he has even gone to the extent of attempting to murder one of the Leaf's very own shinobi! And all this just because Izaya refused to join his organization? I believe he should be removed from his position as elder and be imprisoned."

Kakashi had a look of contemplation as well before saying, "Danzo is too dangerous to be left alone. We already knew that he had hidden motives to move against Lord Fifth, but to act against Izaya like this so openly and within the territory of the Leaf shows that he has no more regard for the Hokage's authority."

"One problem just pops up after another. Aside from Danzo, apparently Orochimaru was killed by Sasuke. Most likely he's going after Itachi now as we speak. Not only that, but apparently Roshi, the Jinchuriki of the Four Tails is missing. Most likely the work of the Akatsuki." Jiraiya commented.

"Tsk. So soon? After the Three Tails was captured by the Akatsuki not that long ago. They sure work fast." Tsunade scowled. Kakashi turned to look at the unconscious form of Izaya and said, "It's already been a week but he still hasn't woken. What kind of poison did Danzo even use on him?" Everyone then turned to look at Izaya at that moment in silent contemplation.

"It was a new type of poison. He probably was concocting something up in the shadows. Most likely he had some help from Orochimaru making it. It was difficult to remove from his body. The poison affected him at the cellular level. Fortunately his body is unique and was strong enough to combat the degenerative nature of the poison ensuring he didn't die." Tsunade said as she turned to Hiruzen. "Which I think you owe us an explanation Sarutobi-sensei. It appears you weren't surprised about what I told you when I operated on him the day you brought him to me."

Everyone then turned to look at Hiruzen.

"Hm? What does she mean Sarutobi-sensei?" Jiraiya asked.

Hiruzen let out a sigh.

"The reason this kid Izaya survived Danzo's poison is because many of the cells in his body are from the First Hokage Hashirama Senju." Tsunade said.

"Huh?!" Everyone else but Tsunade and Hiruzen exclaimed in shock.

"Not only that, this kid even possesses the Sharingan." She continued.

"EH?!" Once again everyone became shocked. They all just stared at Lord Third for an explanation.

Hiruzen let out another sigh as he started his explanation. "Many years ago Izaya, Haku, and Kimimaro appeared in front of my doorstep and asked me to take them in. They were only 7 years old at the time. They travelled the distance from the Land of Water to the Land of Fire and ended up here in Konoha. As you all know by now, Haku is the last surviving member of the Yuki clan famous for their Ice Style Kekkei Genkai and Kimimaro is the last surviving member of the Kaguya Clan. Kimimaro can even utilize the rare Kekkei Genkai of his Clan that allows for bone manipulation. Izaya, however, was an experimental subject of Orochimaru."

"WHAT?!" Everyone was shocked at this revelation, although at the back of their minds they had already made a guess after hearing what Tsunade had told them just prior. Hiruzen continued. "According to Izaya, Orochimaru created his body with the unique trait of being able to easily assimilate various Kekkei Genkai. He infused many different bloodlines into his body and had all of them coexist with the help of Hashirama Senju's powerful cells. The cells of the First Hokage have such great vitality that they were able to not only give new life and energy to the other bloodlines in his body, but also harmonize those bloodlines into one. Orochimaru also implanted the Sharingan of the Uchiha Clan in hopes to create an ultimate body for which he could possess. Izaya's body has probably already assimilated the bloodline of the Uchiha Clan as well, although to what degree I am unsure of. Once Izaya became conscious Orochimaru taught him various subjects and continued his experiments on Izaya's mind and body. His experiments on Izaya's body had to do with testing his bloodlines and his experiment on Izaya's mind had to do with torture in an attempt to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan before he would possess the body. By the time Izaya turned 5 years old he could no longer endure the pain and torture on his body as his will power was too weak to handle everything. Orochimaru thought that Izaya had died and abandoned him at one of his remote labs in the Land of Water. Izaya, however, ended up surviving and escaped that lab. On his journey to the Land of Fire he encountered Haku and Kimimaro and that is how they all ended up here. I took pity on them and felt responsible for his fate. Orochimaru was, after all, my pupil. I helped conceal his Sharingan and acclimate those three into the Leaf. I have no regrets about my choices on this matter. To this day those three remain some of the most splendid shinobi of the younger generation of the Leaf."

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