These Empty Halls

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I roamed these empty halls looking for my next class. I couldn't find it anywhere, it wasn't on the second floor nor was it on the third. There were no teachers to ask either, they all were in their classes. I started to panic and become frustrated, it was my second day in this school and I hadn't gotten to know the way around.

As I walked frantically around the corridor I wasn't watching where I was going, suddenly I was on the floor and I had a massive headache.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" he said whilst holding his hand out for me.

I looked up to see a tall fair boy stood in front of me, his brown hair and blue eyes were the first thing I noticed. His school uniform was smart but scruffy and his tie was uneven, his top button was undone and he looked rebellious. I grab his hand and pull myself up,

"I'm the one who should be sorry, I didn't see you, it's just that I can't find my class and I'm already ten minutes late" I express, I could feel my cheeks turning red.

"Where should you be?" He asks curiously whilst taking my timetable off of me "period four, Maths with Mr. Flanagan, that's where I'm supposed to be!"

"Can you show me where it is?" I plead

"Sure, I'm Noah by the way" he says holding out his hand, I shake it,

"Taylor, I'm new. I don't really know the ropes or anything" I say

"Rule number one, always keep your head up when walking in the corridor" Noah says with a chuckle.

"A little too late for that advice Noah!" I exclaim with a chuckle

We make it to Mr. Flanagans class and Noah knocks on the door then opens it for me, Mr. Flanagan stops teaching and looks at us.

"Mr. Austin, you're late again. Sort your uniform out and take your seat." Mr. Flanagan says looking Noah up and down "and who's this you've brought along with you?"

"Taylor Maddens Sir" I say trying to look less awkward

"You're late, take that seat there, and Jason will get you a book" Mr. Flanagan says rudely.

I sit down on the back row, and rummage around in my blazer for a pen, the kid who I'm guessing is called Jason slams a book down on my desk and slumps into the desk two away from me. I write my name and the subject in the neatest handwriting I could. We were doing algebra, the most pointless subject ever, I wrote down the notes that kept appearing on the board and answering the questions, it all seemed too easy.

The bell rings and I scribble the last of the notes down

"Books at the front, Noah and Taylor stay behind" Mr. Flanagan shouts over the sound of nattering students.

I get up and edge towards the class with my book clasped in my hand. Once I had reached the front I place my book on the pile and stand nervously. Noah stands next to me with his hands in his pocket.

"Sir, I don't mean to rush you at all but I'm really hungry, I gave up my break to finish my coursework so if you could hurry along, I would be entirely thankful" Noah exclaims, I chuckle silently

"Mr. Austin, this is the second time you've been late to my class. I shall not rush just because you're hungry." Mr. Flanagan says

"I was just asking" Noah says

"Now, you were both 10 minutes late for my class. Reasons" Mr. Flanagan demands

"I couldn't find the class sir, I'm new you see?" I explain

"Of course. You're the new girl. Well, the school is a pretty big building. Why didn't you just say so when you came in? I apologise for being so abrupt and rude" Mr. Flanagan says softly "as for you Noah, why were you late?"

"I told you, I was finishing coursework in art then I went to my locker and Taylor walked into me then she explained she couldn't find the class so I showed her" Noah explains

"I'll be writing you up for this Noah!" Mr. Flanagan explains "you may leave"

"Whatever!" Noah shouts as he leaves the room. "So, lunchtime. D'you bring a pack lunch?"

"My dad gave me money for the canteen" I say

"D'you know where the canteen is?" Noah asks with a cheeky smile

"Of course... not" I say shyly

"Right this way madam" Noah says

I laugh then follow him up some stairs and into a loud room full of kids eating lunch. The room was gigantic and the canteen was massive! I take my place in the line and look at Noah who is stood next to me

"How come you're being so nice?" I ask him softly

"Because it was the way I was brought up" Noah says proudly

"To be a creep?" I exclaim

"No!" Noah says quite shocked "to be a gentleman"

"I know. I'm just messing with ya" I say with a cheeky smile.

"Good." Noah says "what are you going to get?"

"What's good here?" I ask

"Sausage rolls are to die for. Hot dogs are okay and don't ever get anything with cheese on" Noah warns me.

"Hiya Love, what can I gets you?" The dinner lady asks me

"A sausage roll please" I ask

"£1.10 love" she tells me

I hand her the money and take the sausage roll, it's hot and greasy which makes me cringe. Noah gets the same and he looks at me

"Damn! There's no tables" Noah says

"Where to go now?" I ask

"I know of a place. Hide the food and follow me" Noah says

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