July 5, 2018

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Jesus said, Let not your heart be troubled. God won't keep your heart from being troubled, it's a command. "Let not". We must cast down every fear, thought, fret, worry that weakens God. He is capable, sufficient, we can rely wholly on Him!

Numbers 33-36: Separate yourself from the ungodly, they will tempt you to sin and vex you. Be separate, holy unto the Lord lest you also be consumed in their iniquity. If we step outside of Christ our Refuge, it is just that we be left out. Don't rejoice in the sins of others. The Lord is with us.

Ezekiel 18: We're all 'owned'. Either we are God's or the devils. The wages of sin is death. The man who is the Lord's will show fruits of righteousness. He will be just and do right. He isn't an idolator or perverse. He is kind and keeps his word. He is merciful and keeps from sin, walking in the ways of the Lord. A child cannot get into heaven by their parents. To repent, truly, is to turn from sin. Our sins are no longer imputed once we are Christ's! The Lord longs to save us! He wants all men to come to repentance. If you backslide and die in sin, you'll perish! There is forgiveness in Christ. Repent! Cast aside the sins that beset and hinder you, run to Christ to live!

Luke 12: Don't be a hypocrite. God sees you through and through. Nothing is hidden to Him. He isn't fooled. Don't have the fear of men. The worst they can do is kill you. You'll obey and serve who you fear. Watch you don't lose your soul. That's eternal. Fear and live soberly for God. We are precious to God. How can it be He values us more than His perfect, sinless creation? Thank You Jesus! Don't fret, but trust in God. In the very hour of our need, the Holy Ghost will teach us what we should say. Trust wholly on Him. Pray to endure! Never deny my Lord! Watch against covetousness. What are they in the day of judgment? Don't live for the things of the world. Be rich towards God, even if that means poor in this passing world. Why burden yourself with things you can't control? Trust God. Don't doubt. Doubt is displeasing to God. The Lord is our tender Father, better than any earthly Father. He knows that we have needs. Seek Him. He will provide. Don't fear nor distrust. He is the Lord of all. All things are His! Sell what you have and give to the Lord. Do good. Be kind. Lay up nonperishable treasure in heaven. Be strong in the Lord, hold in Him. A lit candle. Display His glory! Wait for the Lord. Be ready. Don't be getting ready for it could be too late. Be ready so that you can welcome Him immediately. Let nothing hinder nor delay you. Guard against laxness, sloth, sleepiness and apathy "my Lord delays...". Guard against backsliding lest you perish with the ungodly. Be holy! Live for Jesus! No excuses! To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

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