August 5-6, 2018

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Deuteronomy 31-32: Fear not man. God is greater, and He is with me. He's never failed me. He never will. When I am unfaithful He is faithful still. God has perfect foreknowledge. Wickedness will only increase.

Praise the Lord for His greatness. He is our Rock, Perfect, Just, Righteous and Holy. Truth is His Name. He is God alone. God forbid that we grow lax, lightly esteeming the Rock of our salvation. A lack of faith is provoking to the Lord. The Lord tells us to look at the bigger picture and consider the end of all this! Where will you spend eternity? There is none like our God. This is wisdom! The Lord, is the Righteous Judge, there is no God beside, He is God alone, sovereign, majestic, powerful, almighty, eternal and everlasting! He will avenge and show mercy to His people. Have it in your heart to obey the Lord. Teach your children! This is a life or death situation. It's so important not to bring shame or dishonor to the Lord but to sanctify Him.

Job 31: God is the creator of all men. Why is their racism? If it's in our power to do good, do it. No selfishness, or idolatry in the Kingdom of God. Trust nothing but God. Rejoice not in the defeat of others but pray even for our enemies. Pray for a repentant heart. Don't cheat, fraud or steal, rather, live honestly.

Isaiah 5: God is looking for fruits of righteousness from His people. If they're barren, they're useless and will be destroyed. Woe to drunkards, those who twist truth and deceive. Woe to the proud for the Lord alone is to be exalted. He is sanctified in righteousness. He alone is holy.

John 19-20: Behold the humanity of Christ who went through so much for me. Be not faithless but believing!

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