September 29, 2018

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1 Samuel 15: Passing blame doesn't work with God. When we have sinned, when He chastens, repent humbly. God prefers obedience and listening more than what we can give. Rebellion is as witchcraft, despicable to the Lord. Stubbornness is as idolatry. May it not be a light thing to us when others sin, but let it grieve us to pray for them.

Hosea 13-14: The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. He alone is God. His glory He won't give to another. Plenty oftentimes makes men proud and forget everything they have is from God, for He's good to the just and unjust alike. Though we have sinned, He's our Savior. There's no true, lasting help in any other but HIm. Return to God. Forsake the sin. Plead for forgiveness and acceptance. Know that none can help or save you but Jesus. He's promised to forgive and love freely. All the Lord's doings are right and just. Walk therein.

1 Corinthians 8: Watch against pride. With lots of knowledge comes high thoughts of oneself. Be filled with love and humbleness. There's none other God but Jesus. He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. Watch that you cause not offense or a stumbling block, or shame Christ to turn away others. This is sin.

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