September 4, 2018

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Judges 10: Truly the Lord does have compassion. When His people truly repent, He sees and regards them.

Isaiah 35/36: Edify one another and encourage not to faint. Be strong, endure! support the young and weak in Christ. He'll come and save you. In that day all eyes shall see Him, and His people shall be healed and forgiven. There shall the Highway of Holiness be. Only those purified in the Blood of the Lamb shall go there, for no sin can dwell in the Lord's presence. There shall the redeemed of the Lord, the ransomed go up to worship the Lord. They shall sing praises and rejoice. Worship shall consume them as joy and gladness will banish sorrow and sighing.

Zechariah 14: All God's plans shall serve His purpose, though we might not understand it. When God raises up enemies to Israel, He shall come and defend her mightily. All eyes shall see Him. He'll come to the Mount of Olives with His saints to war against the ungodly. Be found in Him! In that day, it'll be known Jesus alone is Lord and King, and He shall reign forever and ever!

Acts 28: If barbarians could be so kind and show no prejudices why can't we with all our blessings do kindness to all? Pray for the love, heart and eyes of God. Pray to be like those in Jude "...some have compassion..." Don't be like the levite, etc, in the parable of the good samaritan turning a blind eye. As much as it's in your power, do good to all men. Seeing others also that love God should encourage us, for despite the wicked ever increasing, God yet has a remnant. Let not imprisonment, nor hardship silence the gospel or the testimony of God. Pray for boldness and that the Spirit would speak for us/teach us what to speak.

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