July 9, 2018

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The sin of unbelief is serious to God. To live for God is more than an impulse, it's a deliberate commitment.

Deuteronomy 3: Don't fear man. God is to be feared alone. he's with His people to fight for them. Praise God for His revelations. There's none strong like unto our God. None like unto Him. Present your case before the Lord, but let His answer suffice.

Ezekiel 22: Who knows if the fierce anger of the Lord would be turned away if there was found of Him one praying and repenting over the nations (like Job for his children: Job 1:5).

Luke 16: You are either 100% God's, or not. You can't have both. Search yourself. Do I love sinfulness more than God? He sees my heart and knows. There's no room for hypocrisy, nothing is hid from Him. You have your senses in hell.

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