September 10, 2018

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Trials come to prove us. To show what's in our heart. Hold fast! Be constant in prayer, worship, Bible study. If you have no time for God you'd best re-evaluate your life.

Judges 17: Having godly friends or relationships while you continue to live in wickedness won't shield you from God's judgment or buy you God's favor. You must know Him intimately.

Isaiah 43: Those whom the Lord has called and redeemed have nothing to fear for whatever they must go through, they know the Lord is near and hasn't abandoned them. In the fire, we're not consumed, but purified. The Lord's people are precious to Him. He's created us for HIs glory, that we may praise Him. Shew forth HIs praises who has called me out of darkness into His marvelous light. There is no God but our God, none can save but He.He's eternal, none can pluck from His hand. He blots out our sins, and remembers them no more. Be zealous to confess and repent.

Romans 5: The only true and lasting peace is through Jesus. If we're His, we can rest in Him. Show Christlike meekness, even in tribulation. Cleave tight to the Lord that it may just purify and not destroy us. We won't give an answer for other's behavior but for our own. Christ came to die because He loved us. Before we knew Him, He loves us enough to die for a sinner. Because His blood covers us, we're in Him and will escape the wrath of God on those who reject His offer. We're all born into sin because of the original sin. We're all sinners, needing saving. Sin brings forth death. The wages of sin is death. He gives more grace, through Jesus. Sin brings condemnation, but Jesus' salvation brings justification- just as if I'd never sinned and reconciliation. Just as it took only one sin to be a sinner, by Jesus and Him only, are we made the righteousness of God through Him. Grace is offered, full and free that it may bring repentance and salvation. Sin brings death, grace brings righteousness. It's only those that live righteously by grace that will have enteral life.

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