July 26, 2018

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Jesus must be my Supreme Authority. He cannot have half.

Deuteronomy 20: Be not afraid. Trust in God. He is mighty to save. He won't abandon His people! Don't tremble and be terrified. Look unto the Lord and trust in Him. Under His wings take refuge until this storm be passed. He is able.

Ezekiel 38: In the last day, in the terrible events, men will finally know and acknowledge that the Lord is God! He will be magnified and sanctified. The Lord our God, our Mighty Warrior shall fight for His people.

John 9: When Jesus' Spirit leaves a man they are in complete darkness. Sometimes our sins are for God's glory to be revealed. If we regard iniquity in our heart, the Lord will not hear. He hears the righteous, those that obey and worship Him. Lord, I believe. Those who know that Word and reject are judged all the more.

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