July 25, 2018

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Job 19: Know of a certainty that the Lord is living, eternal, unchangeable. He will return with glory and majesty. There will be a resurrection, some to eternal life and some to eternal damnation.

Ezekiel 37: Don't stop spreading the message of salvation. Perhaps the dry bones will live. If we have the Spirit, the Lord will surely raise us in the Great day! The Blood of Jesus is still powerful and complete to save and cleanse us. The Lord our God, True and Faithful will never desert nor abandon us. He will be our God.

John 8: Don't slander as if you have no sin. Pray the Lord will convict of sin. There is no condemnation. Go and sin no more. If you obey, you're His. If you don't, you deceive yourself. The Spirit gives understanding and revelation of the Word.

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