August 29, 2018

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Testing shows us what's in our hearts. It will prove our faith. Will we be ashamed or deny the Lord? The trials of our faith works patience. It's to strengthen and purify us.

Isaiah 29: The Lord is aware when the hypocrite worships. He sees the heart of men. Watch that you know God personally. The Lord watches for those who serve in sincerity and in truth. Nothing is hid from Him.

Zechariah 8: In the Kingdom of the Lord, the Lord will dwell with His people. He will save His people and deliver them. He will own them as His own. It will be full of truth and righteousness. The land will be fruitful and prosperous. We'll no longer fear, for the Lord our God has saved us. Be strong in Him. He is our strength and son. Do good to all, don't hate people. Don't love lies. Love what He loves and hate what He hates. Love Truth and peace. Gentiles are welcomed. Let us go up and worship and pray before the Lord. The only true God is the God of Israel. He it is that is mighty to save.

Acts 22: The Lord opens the eyes. Without the knowledge and anointing of the Spirit, we're blinded in part. When He anoints our eyes in that He chose us, we now know His will, see Him revealed to us and hear His voice. Pray to know and be kept in the will of God. It was God's will that the Gentiles also come to salvation.

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