July 14, 2018

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You cannot truly imitate Christ if you are not His, or a hypocrite. You're either filled with His Spirit or not. When you are insulted, don't become bitter or retaliate, but exhibit the meekness of Jesus.

Deuteronomy 8: God blesses and rewards obedience. Every trial serves a purpose, to humble us to show us what's in our heart. God is more important than necessities. He loves who He corrects. Be alarmed if you're left to "do as you please". Obey and fear the Lord, walk in His ways. Don't forget God in prosperity. He's the Giver of all. Give all thanksgiving and honor to Him. Obedience is imperative. 

Job 8: We're only as a shadow. Be wise with time. The hypocrite's hope shall perish. All that come to Christ and walk holy are His.

Luke 21: Watch against deception. Know and have the Truth so you won't be deceived. All these things must come to pass, but don't be terrified. Trust in God. Prepare for, and expect persecution. Don't meditate beforehand what you will speak. The same Holy Ghost that fills you will open your mouth in that hour. be settled in your heart, I won't deny my Lord. Expect betrayal from parents, family, friends they will cause some of you to be put to death. Because of Christ, we'll be loathed. If the world loved us, there's something wrong. Be patient. Have your eyes and mind on that which is above. Take heart, your redemption draws night. God's Word is forever. Watch and pray. Live holy. Be ready. Be found in Christ. Come early to Jesus and seek Him first!

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