August 22, 2018

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Let no pride in me stand on rise up against the King of Kings. Let no pride remain in me.

Joshua 19: May we never hoard or be greedy, but be happy to share the abundance.

Zechariah 1: The Lord's promises of mercy are sure. Turn in sincere repentance, He is faithful and just to forgive. The earth is often indifferent due to the Lord's delay- for mercy. The Lord is displeased with this casual treatment of grade. It will only make judgment more severe.

Acts 15: Salvation offered and received should be the cause of great joy. God knows the hearts of all. The Holy Ghost is the proof; the seal. Our hearts are purified by faith. Have faith in God, He alone can save. Doubt not. Encourage and edify others in the truth of God, to live holy and separated. Keep yourself from sin.

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