September 17, 2018

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Keep your eyes on God, not man. Don't let even religion be a source of pride for you. Prayer isn't to treat God as a genie. Pray to have the mind of Christ, to pray according to His will.

1 Samuel 2-3: We will all give account. The Lord is over all. Though He smite, He can heal. Only those humble before Him will be exalted. Beware of pride. He'll keep His saints. Only those who fear the Lord will be honored, those who mock and despise the Holy One of Israel will be as nothing. Where there is no vision, especially, hold fast to the Word. highly esteem the Word of God. It's alive and powerful even today. Hold God's Word as precious. Tarry in the presence of God lest you miss the voice of the Lord speaking even to you. If He should call you, listen! Pray for sensitivity in the Spirit and to know the voice of God. If we see our children sin and we don't speak up, we may bring God's judgement upon ourselves. It's the's the Lord when it confirms itself in the word.

Isaiah 50-51: Has the Lord lost His ability to save? No! He is the mighty God, the everlasting Creator. They that put their trust in Him shall not be put to shame. It's the Lord that speaks through His people. Let Him do so. It's the Lord that opens the eyes and ears. It's He who gives wisdom. Who can separate us from the love of God? With Him on my right hand, I shall not be greatly moved. Trust in the Name of the Lord. Look to the Lord and wait upon Him. His salvation is eternal. The righteous hide the law of God in their heart. Fear God, not man. Expect mockery, isolation and persecution. All shall perish, but God is eternal, He is unchangeable. The Lord is my comfort. What have I to ask beside? Why fear man whose life is but a vapor? The Lord is mighty to save.

Romans 11-12: God won't disown His people. It would make Him a liar and He is Truth. God will always have a faithful remnant. Those who reject Christ are blinded. We have nothing to lord ourselves over others, we're but sinners. Of no merit of our own, Christ saved us. It's all of grace. Unbelief will disqualify us. We must have faith. Don't be proud or boastful, but fear God, lest you fall short, be on guard. If we don't continue in Him, it would be just of God to cut us off. God isn't an "Indian Giver". The Lord desires to save all. Who is His equal? He's the Creator, eternal Sovereign. The Lord has saved me, how can I offer Him scraps of my time or my life? He deserves more than my best. May I forever pour myself out like as a living sacrifice, praying for grace to walk holy and acceptably to Him. Don't be like the ungodly. Those who serve the Lord must be holy in all manner of conversation and conduct. Pray for the mind of Christ. Be full of humility, God abhors and resists the proud. God is the Giver of all spiritual gifts, He gives according to our abilities with perfect knowledge. DO as God calls you to do, not envying or trying to do contrary to what He's given. Pray for the love of Christ and hate evil. Do good, love each other in sincerity. Be humble. Don't be lazy. Be zealous, serving the Lord cheerfully. Rejoice and have faith. Hope in God! Be patient in tribulation and trials. Be always in prayer. Be generous and hospitable, helping others. Bless others, don't slander. Be empathetic, not stuck up. Don't be proud, or try to retaliate. Be honest and peaceful, taking your case to God and letting Him deal with it. Don't be full of wrath. Do good to all men.

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