September 6, 2018

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Judges 13: As a parent, our children ought to be dedicated and presented to God even from the womb. The Lord regards him that has a sincere, teachable and obedient heart. They weren't caught up in the glory/possible bragging rights of the "supernatural" then a great desire to learn how to please God. Never accept any offering or praise "in God's stead"/that's due unto the Lord.

Isaiah 38: It's imperitive, especially when we know our life is nearly done, to be sure our life is hidden in Christ. After death, there's no hope. Eternity should be at the forefront of our heart. Our life is just a vapor. We don't know when our souls will be required. Seek the Lord now. The Lord is near to those who call. He sees and hears. I look unto the Lord, He alone is my help. Because the Lord loved me, He delivered me from fear and death. In mercy, He has forgiven me. Praise the Lord, all that is within me. Each breath is a present, shall I withhold my praise?

Ecclesiastes 2: The Lord has appointed work for man that me might not be slothful. All things come from the Lord.

Romans 2: The Lord is the only Judge, for He sees all, is infinitely perfect and knows all things. There's no partiality in HIm. If we profess the Name of Christ, yet continue in sin, how shall we think to escape even the judgment of sinners? The Lord tarries, not because He winks at sin but to give men a chance to repent! If your heart won't melt by convicting repetence, well it is just for God to give you up and righteous judgment will find you. The righteous will be rewarded with eternal life; the wicked, wrath. Patience ans steadfastness in well doing are trademarks of the King's own, while the unbelieving, quarrelsome, disobedient is that of the ungodly. Knowledge about God won't save you. You must know Him. The true child of God has the workings inside the heart, and God, who knows all things testifies he is His. The Holy Spirit being the seal.

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