September 7, 2018

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Out of us shall flow rivers of living water. In that, God works through us to be a blessing. We're not to be the dead sea-always taking, never giving.

Judges 14: God can use the unlikeliest, or even taht which is evil for His purposes. His hand was upon Samson with the woman, but it's for us to take wisdom and ask of God whom we should marry. It would save much misery.

Isaiah 40: The Lord won't utterly abandon His people, but once He has purged the repentant, He'll return to them in mercy. Every eye shall see Him. All is temporal, save the Lord. Write eternity on our hearts. Look beyond this world. Be not ashamed to own the Lord as your God. Don't keep silent, exclaim His glory. The mighty God, the Sovereign, the Great Creator and King is still tender to His own. Consider HIs greatness! Who cares about this world's chaos... God is in control, there is none like HIm. He is all, He sees all, nothing is hid from Him. Find rest in Him.

Ecclesiastes 3: When a man works for what he has, he's able to enjoy the fruit of his labor. It's the gift of God. Reverence the Lord in all things. All our deeds we'll give account for. Make sure your sins are cleansed by the blood, cast in the sea of His forgetfulness.

Romans 3: We're all under sin. Original sin from Adam. No man of his own seeks after God, unless God begins a work. The unprofitable are barren, useless and fit for the flame. Every bit of them they use for wickedness. They say God doesn't see nor care; they have no fear of God. The law shows men their sin and our need for Jesus because we can't fulfill the Law. Jesus is our Saviour, through faith. We're all sinners in need of Him. His blood cleanses me. By faith, we believe we're forgiven through Jesus our Debt Payer and are righteous in Him, under His covering for all our sins. What can we boast of? It's His love and mercy. He's God of all, He justifies through faith because without faith it's impossible to please Him.

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