August 19-20, 2018

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Nothing is so important as to keep right spiritually.

Be restfully certain that God always does answer prayer. Find your rest in Christ.

Joshua 13: May we be content with the Lord as our inheritance. If I have nothing, or if all is taken from me, if I have the Lord as my portion, let me be sufficed.

Isaiah 19:  When the Lord corrects, we must humbly receive of it and turn to Him in repentance, Who is mighty to save. The Gentiles also shall come to the Lord.

Malachi 2-3: It's not a casual thing to serve the Lord. We must be intentional with a pure heart to give glory unto God. He's so high and holy! How have we become so casual? The minister of the Lord should speak with wisdom, inquiring at the Lord. God hates divorce and affairs. Woe to those who call good evil and evil good. Woe to the scoffers who say the Lord delays His coming.

Who can stand before the Lord at the day of His appearing, but he who has been washed in the Blood of the Lamb. The Lord's fire shall purge away all the dross. The Lord will judge sorcerers, adulterers, false swearers, fruads, cruel who fear not Him. He is eternal, forever the same. Mercy is yet extended. Give to the Lord, never withholding. He will provide abundantly. When we become weary in well doing/serving God, it is speaking against the Lord. Our names, deeds, and thoughts are all recorded. Edify those also that serve God. Encourage yourself in the Lord. He sees, He hears, He records. In the day that He returns, He'll gather them as jewels, spared. Praise the Lord!

Acts 12-13: Watch carefully against pride. Its self serving, self glorifying and only God is to be praised and glorified.

It's the devil's will that none should hear the gospel. He'll rise up against God's people, perverting the message. Recognize that all blessings are from God. The Lord looks for one who'll obey and fulfill all His will. Such is a useful person to Him, a fitting vessel for the Master's use. Know your place. He's altogether worthy, I'm not. It's possible to hear but with "stuffed ears". Gold's Spirit gives understanding. Jesus came and sacrificed Himself once for all. Through Christ alone is salvation. Beware lest you despise, disbelieve and perish. Continue in the grace of God. Salvation is just the start. Grace is power to live holy- not a coverup. Those who reject the gospel deliberately sign their own "death warrant".

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