September 5, 2018

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Isaiah 37: Encourage and edify one another. Pray for the people of God, bearing each other up in prayer. Present your case before the Lord, casting your cares upon Him for He cares. (Hebrews 4:14-16). It's good to acknowledge the Lord's might and sovereignty when we pray. How can we have pride in us when we consider His great glory? Don't take man's cruelty to heart, for it's God that they hate. Be more zealous for HIs Name than your own. Pray for Him to deliver and save His people. The Lord surely will, for despite the wicked, He has yet a remnant.

Ecclesiastes 1: What is a man profited if he gain the whole world and lose his soul? Only one life, it will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last. The more we know, the more we have to answer for.

Romans 1: He who God calls, He separates unto His service. Are we willing to be expended of Him? Pray to be together with the saints to the good of edifying, encouraging, and blessing one another. Be zealous for the gospel, don't keep it to yourself. It's the power of God to all who believe. To believe is faith. Without faith it's impossible to please God.

The Lord will judge sin. When the Truth is given, if we reject or distort it, God will judge.

Creation declares the glory of God, there's no dispute that HE IS- there's no excuse. God, in mercy, has not left us ignorant. They are they that KNEW God, but gave Him no glory, nor HIs rightful place as God. They were ungrateful, the imagination of their heart wicked. The fool says there is no God. When you constantly reject Christ, God is just to give you up to your desires. He is God Almighty, not a figment of the imagination, a lame idol or the god you make. When truth is distorted into a lie, there'll come a time when truth is no longer believed. These are they that refuse God's governance- they 'do as you please'. They didn't LIKE to think about God, or eternity, All wickedness is found in them. They KNOW it's sinful, but they won't repent. They call good evil and evil good. They shun the good (even people) and celebrate the bad.

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