August 31, 2018

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Judges 6: Even if we're timid, if we obey the Lord, God will bless us and pour out His Spirit on us.

Isaiah 31: Turn unto God for salvation and deliverance. There's no hope beside.

Zechariah 10: Through the Lord, we shall do valiantly, because He's with us. It's not our might and power, but His. The Lord can heal and restore that which was broken. In the day the Lord redeems and restores we shall be glad and rejoice in His strength.

Acts 24: Make it a life goal to live godly. The Lord said by our fruits and love men shall know we're His disciples. Aim and pray to not offend God nor man. Seek God's acceptance, not mans. If it be that the Lord speaks and convicts, don't delay. Harden not your hearts.

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