September 8, 2018

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Judges 16: Pray for grace to endure!

Isaiah 41: The Lord won't forsake His people. He who has begun a good work will be faithful to complete it. It's He who draws the heart of men. He won't cast away any who come to Him. Be not afraid. The Lord is at my right hand, I shall not be greatly moved. The God of Israel is my stay. It's He who upholds us. Rejoice in His mercy. Give all glory to the Lamb. He's a tender Father to His own. He hears our needs and will never forsake. Those who turn to idols are foolish and abominable to the Lord.

Ecclesiastes 4/5: Seek out Godly companionship for edifying and encouragement. Watch your words before God. Give consideration to whom you speak with utmost reverence. Greed and covetousness is never satisfied. Learn Godly contentment. Don't settle, giving yourself to the things that are temporal and fleeting. God gives us work and all good things for our enjoyment- He's a good Father- but when these things become our idols, He's just to remove it.

Romans 4: If we're saved by works, we would have reason for pride, but since it's all of God, it's to Him all glory! Faith is precious to God. Blessed, happy are they who God forgives! Salvation is free for all. Pray for an increase of faith, for the gift of faith, for unwavering, unstaggering faith, no matter what. God is God! He can do al! Be fully persuaded in this, for it pleases God.

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