September 13, 2018

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The Lord won't force men. He's given us free will, but the man that won't bow now, shall surely bow later. Pray to come to the point that regardless of our situation, we rest in Christ's sufficiency. Pray for unbroken communion with God.

Judges 20: We must unite against sin. It must be the common enemy, not petty disputes.

Isaiah 47: It's a shame to have the thigh uncovered. Be watchful of pride.

Ecclesiastes 9: The heart is desperately wicked. Be content with your spouse. Praise God for all blessings, great and small. Do your best in all things, as to the Lord and not unto men.

Romans 8: There's no condemnation to those in Jesus, who walk holy, not abusing grace. Before I knew Christ, I did as I pleased, but now that I am His, I seek to please Him for gratitude of what He's done for me. It isn't a burdensome set of rules, but out of love and gratitude I comply happily. Men is naturally at enmity against God. If He doesn't reset the heart, we won't please Him. The Spirit of Christ's evidence is the infilling of the Holy Ghost. If we have not this, we're not God's. It's the Holy Ghost that will quicken us in the rapture. We mus daily shun the lusts of the flesh that work sin and follow after God. Those guided by the Holy Spirits are God's for they hear and obey His voice. Fear is not of God. He doesn't enslave (free will) but adopts us. His yoke is easy, His burden light. Don't deny Christ in your suffering, no matter how fiery. What is a man profited if he gain the whole world and lose his soul? We destroyed the world by sin. Because of sin the earth is cursed. It groans, waiting for the redemption. When sin will be no more. Our bodies decay and we groan as we fall and slip, earnestly awaiting the day the Lord comes. We wait, living by faith that God will fulfill His word. When we cannot pray, or are falling short of praying as we should, the Spirit prays for us. he knows how to pray and the Lord sees and understands. He prays in cohesion with God's will. All things will work for good for God's people. This isn't to say all will be good, but will be for our good (ex. Joseph). Those called by Christ are saved and justified and will reign with Christ. God is our refuge and our strength, therefore we will not fear, the Lord of hosts is with us. When we pass through the deep waters, He is with us. Don't strive to please man, but God. It's what He says that matters as He is the Righteous Judge. He prays for me. Nothing can separate me from His love.

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