July 10, 2018

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Watch against spiritual sluggishness! The Christian life isn't one of leisure, but discipline and activity. Forsake not the assembling of the saints. Seek to stir up one another into holiness, and edify. The Lord doesn't encourage sloth or lethargy.

Deuteronomy 4: Don't tweak God's Word. God rewards obedience and faithfulness to Him. They that put their trust in Him aren't ashamed. Keep the Word of God and watch for your soul. Keep yourselves diligently. Don't forget the Lord nor forsake Him. Teach your children. Fear the Lord and depart from evil. The Lord called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. There's no time limit such as "serve God ten years, then do whatever you please." Keep His laws forever! Keep yourself pure, lest you be punished. If you seek the Lord sincerely, He shall be found! Hallelujah! When you are in tribulation, turn to God, and be obedient to His voice. He is merciful to forgive you for He won't destroy, forget nor forsake thee. He reveals Himself that we may know He is God. There is none other but Him! He is God alone! Remember this. Consider this! He is God. Obey Him.

Job 4: Can it also be said of me that I am wise? Do I strengthen and encourage the weak?

Luke 17: Don't be a cause of offense. Be quick to repent, even to your brother. Be quick, also, to forgive. Pray the Lord increases faith. Don't think you are worthy, even if you obey God. We are yet unworthy. We've only done our duty. Don't be quiet. Had God done anything for you? Praise Him! Be full of gratitude! Don't deny Christ to save your life! One moment's respite= ETERNITY in hell.

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