September 25, 2018

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The Lord's dealings, character, words and thoughts are all truth and righteousness. There's no shadow of turning in Him. He's not man that He should lie, He's all salvation, mighty to save. Praise the Lord, declare His mercy and righteousness, His goodness and loving kindness. The angel of the Lord encamps around those that fear Him. In love and pity He owns us as His and carries us. Rebel not against His tender mercies. It's of His mercies we're not consumed as Sodom and Gomorrah were. Through it seems He's distant, the Lord isn't far. Thought our mom and dad forsake us, He won't. He's our Father, Redeemer, the Holy Everlasting God.

1 Corinthians 4: The Lord is the righteous judge, be sure you have His approval. Don't give up on people, or lay condemnation. It's of the Lord to know all things, in His day, all will be revealed. The people of the Lord will suffer. This is nothing new. When we are afflicted, don't hate but pray always.

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