September 26, 2018

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1 Samuel 12: It's God who brings men into position and power. He is in sovereign control of all. Nothing surprises Him. Fear, serve and obey the Lord. This is how we prove our love of God. DOn't despair of pardon, but truly repent. The Lord is utterly faithful. He won't go back on His word. We're to pray without ceasing, instructing others in holiness. Remember His goodness and serve Him with joy and gladness.

Hosea 10: Live right early. Pray the Lord to keep my heart supple to receive His word and bear fruit. Seek the Lord.

Isaiah 64: The Lord will reward and honor the one who waits in Him. he will meet those who walk righteously and remember Him. None of our works alone can save us. We're all sinners, in desperate need of the Savior. He's the Creator, Potter and all HIs ways and doings are perfect.

1 Corinthians 5: We've nothing in ourselves to glory in. If we slip in one point, we're guilty of all. Repentance must be daily. Sin must be destroyed before it destroys you. The Lord is coming back for His bride. Let's be pure an holy, unblemished, undefiled, untainted. Let's have no spot nor wrinkle. Be sincere and true in your walk. Cast away hatred, anger and al wickedness. Choose your company wisely. Bad company corrupts good morals. (Psalm 1). Don't go out of your way befriending wicked people. Set apart is our calling. Don't deliberately choose to associate yourself with fornicators, coveteous, extortioners, idolaters, railers, drunkards... no one is worth your soul.

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