July 11, 2018

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The aim of life isn't some journey of self-realization, but to know Christ. New ageism glorifies self. Do I know Christ?

Deuteronomy 5: The Lord is merciful to those that love and obey Him. The Lord is angry with those who take His Name in vain. Don't run from God, but to Him. The Lord longs to commune with us. He expects us to reverence Him, to obey that it will go well with us for our conduct and obedience. God expects full obedience. Partial doesn't stand before Him. Obey. Walk in His ways without wavering. Never turn back.

Job 5: Seek the Lord and commit your cause to Him. He is the Mighty God. Humble yourself that He may exalt. Blessed is the man whom God chastens for they are His children. Rejoice and praise Him in trials. Though they be fiery, they are for our purification.

Luke 18: Be continually in prayer. Persist. Don't give up. The Lord loves to hear us pray. He meets us at the mercy seat. He will avenge us. May I be found faithful! Be watchful against conceit. Come boldly, yes, but humbly before the Lord. Know who you are! A sinner. We are due nothing. Bring your children before God. Desire Him to touch them. Be humble, trusting and innocent. Rely wholly on Him. Don't love possessions more than Christ. Be willing to give all for Him. Cry out to Jesus! Don't let anyone silence or hold you back from Him. Cry! Jesus, have mercy on me!

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