August 30, 2018

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Don't rejoice in the success of your work, rather that you were used at all. This will combat pride in a hurry. Bloom where the Lord plants you and let Him direct all things. We are saved through grace alone. It's Him, not our works which saves. Yet, let faith produce works.

Judges 5: Praise the Lord! Let it be a lifestyle. Sing to His Name. He is worthy. Bless His Name. Let His people uplift Him. The Lord will regard those that love Him.

Isaiah 30: Beware of shutting your years to the Truth and woe to the preachers of fluff and prosperity. It's in repentance we shall be saved. He waits to save. He'll have mercy upon the penitent. He's the God of true judgement and righteousness. Blessed only are those found in Him. They'll weep no more, for He is their God. He sees, hears and will answer. He's not left us "in the dark" but there will always be a shepherd to guide, even the Holy Spirit. This is the way...walk ye in it. Be holy. Listen! The Lord shall be exalted in that day.

Zechariah 9: If the Lord of all could come to bring salvation with such meekness, what's my problem with pride? It's through Him we have salvation. All may come to Him. His Kingdom is forever, extensive, He is Lord of all. Turn to Him, He's our strength and hope. How great is His goodness to His people! How beautiful He is!

Acts 23: Look to the Lord for encouragement. He is our keeper. Nothing will take our life until we've done all our duty for Christ. "Be of good cheer", how blessed to hear that from the Lord. He stands by His people, we're not alone, nor forsaken. He's never afar off. Take comfort in that.

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