September 20, 2018

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We're to demonstrate God's love to others in perfect love. If God could love us, the unloveable, how are we so stingy and struggling to show love? It really should come naturally. Christianity isn't self help but God's transforming the heart and mind. Let the mind of Christ dwell in you richly.

Isaiah 56-57: The duty required of God's people: keep judgment/do justice, keep the sabbath holy, abstain from evil, choose the things that please God, take hold of HIs covenant, serve and love the Lord. Blessed are they that do this, for they shall be grafted in. They shall be accepted, for salvation is offered to all. Watch against :apathy, sloth and laziness, greed and covetousness, ignorance, drunkenness, and presumptuousness. The Lord is so great and majestic, He inhabits eternity! The infinities and infinities are His! He regards the contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit that it not sink into despair, for He'll forgive. When He chastens, repent! He'll forgive, but don't continue wickedly in sin.

Hosea 4: Don't quench the Spirit. Don't reject truth and wisdom. See you reject not He who speaks. Guard against pride, be watchful in prosperity, lest you forget God. What is a man profited if he gain the whole world but lose his soul? All is vanity, remember now your Creator. We'll give account for our actions.

Romans 15: Those strong and mature in the faith ought to support the weak and weary. Not for glory, but to please God. Bear ye one another's burdens. Do good, love with the love of Christ. All Scripture is profitable, we learn by example and take hope. Seek to worship God together. Be kind to all, not self-serving. Praise God for salvation extended to us. He is Lord of all, the Author of salvation to all who believe. May God give oy and peace to His people and may we serve Him in hope, utilizing His grace to live holy unto Him. Pray the offerings we give the Lord be acceptable. and pleasing to God. Don't follow man, follow Christ. Follow Jesus, not traditions of men. Pray always for God's people. Pray for freedom to declare God's words and that they'll be readily recieved. May our time together be refreshing in the Lord.

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