August 8, 2018

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Job 33: Why am I so proud? I am also formed out of the clay. Don't treat God casually, God is greater than man. It's He who has made us, His breath gives life. Who is the clay to speak against the Potter? Why are you fighting Him? He owes no one an explanation! The Lord is our Keeper. He speaks in dreams and visions: Listen! Jesus is He who ransomed us. He looks for repentance. He saves!

Isaiah 7: Immanuel... God with us. This was His plan from the beginning!

Acts 1: The Holy Ghost is our power. It guides, connects and enables us to live for God and witness. All eyes shall see Jesus when He returns. Jesus will be returning, for He is God! Continue in prayer. All God's Word will be fulfilled and come to pass, not one word will turn out void. Consult God's will in all things.

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