August 9, 2018

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Have faith in God. Walk by faith, not by sight. Depend on Him.

Joshua 1: The Lord is ever with us. Believe it. He's not a man that He should fail or lie. Take care not to grieve His Holy Spirit. Be strong in the Lord and be courageous. Obey the Word of the Lord that it may go well with you. Study the Bible, hide it in your heart. His Word is wisdom and life. True rest is found in Christ. Encourage one another and build each other up rather than slandering and tearing down each other.

Job 34: We'll be judged or rewarded according to our walk. God is the righteous Judge. There's no unrighteousness or favoritism with God. He is Just. He sees all things, no one can hide. Sins are seen. He hears our cries.

Isaiah 8: Don't follow the lifestyles of the world. Fear not man, but the Lord alone. Those who despise the Word of God have no light in them. (John 3:19-21).

Acts 2: There shouldn't be any bickering among us. We need to be in one accord, serving the Lord and waiting for His promise. Individual sealing is necessary (v3). The Spirit of God gives the utterance, the words. The words won't promote man but point men to Christ (John 16). Prophecy must be fulfilled. The Lord is coming. he is moving mightily in these last days. He is able and willing to save. He came to seek and save, for this was His plan from eternity past. Because He is alive, I rest in hope. All Scripture points to Christ. He is the Word. The Holy Spirit convicts. Repentance is necessary. Be baptized in Jesus' Name. Pray for the infilling (and indwelling) of the Holy Spirit... it's our seal for the day of redemption. God is faithful who promised. Use your words to testify and exhort. Flee from sin. There's no selfishness or hoarding in the Kingdom of God. Forsake not the assembling together of the saints. Be steadfast in prayer and praise. Rejoice in the Lord.

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