July 12, 2018

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Deuteronomy 6: There is One God. Jesus. He is to be served, loved, feared, obeyed in entire devotion. Forget not your God. Learn His ways. Teach them diligently to your children. Never forget where you came from. Don't contaminate yourself with the world. Don't serve what they serve. An idol is anything you love and devote yourself to more than God. Do what is right and good before Him. Ask Him to guide you in the way of holiness. It's for our good to obey the Lord.

Job 6: Show empathy. Be teachable.

Ezekiel 24: God's words are yea and amen! He is not a God who lies. We will be judged according to our walk. Don't cry for loss of dear possessions but for your rebellion and iniquity against the Lord!

Luke 19: Zaccheus showed fruits of repentance and righteousness. Be busy until Jesus comes. Rejoice and praise God loudly-no shame. Has He not done good things?

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