July 24, 2018

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If we are to live holy, it must begin on the inside, from a new birth. The Lord sees word and deed, but also thoughts and motives.

Deuteronomy 18: Don't walk like the heathen. Be separated from witchcraft and the like (abstain from the very appearance of evil) for it's an abomination unto the Lord. Be perfect in mind, heart and hands before the Lord. Pray for this. When the Lord speaks, even through a person, His Words come to pass.

Ezekiel 36: Through Jesus we are cleansed. Through baptism, we put on the new man. Out of love of Jesus we obey His commandments, grateful for salvation. Remember where you came from. Why are we so nonchalant over sin? It's because of His mercies we're not consumed.

John 7: Jesus was mocked too. Be just in your dealings. Seek the Lord while He may be found. The infilling of the Holy Ghost is a sure thing for those that are His.

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