September 15, 2018

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Renounce the seeds of slander, envy, jealousy, malice and bitterness. Keep watch over all "gates" so when the light of God's glory reveals, you'll not be ashamed.

1 Samuel 1: The Lord is the Giver of life. Worry and anxiety is not of God. She didn't slander, but brought her case to the Lord. No care is too small (or big) to bring to Him. When the man of God speaks "for God", lay hold in faith and rejoice. be faithful to give your vow to God. Give Him all the glory, He answers prayer.

Isaiah 49: The Lord shows tender care to His people. He shelters them in His hand. He'll be glorified in who He calls. Therefore, we don't live for ourselves/flesh/sin any longer, but for Him! This is our purpose. This is why He's called us. have faith and confidence in all situations. Has the Lord called me? He'll be my Strength. Salvation is for all! Like a Shepherd, He takes care of His own. Rejoice in His mercy. Don't distrust the Lord, His promises are sure. He'll not forsake nor abandon His people. The best parents may fail, but not our Lord. Our names are upon His hands. Can the Lord who knows every star by name forget us who He said is worth more than sinless sparrows? They shall not be ashamed that wait on the Lord. The Lord will fight for and redeem us. Mighty God!

Ecclesiastes 11: Watch the sky (wait for God's redemption) but don't let events stop you from doing kingdom work. Don't pre-judge, but declare God's mercy and salvation to all. We don't know God's plan. We must all give account for our life. Put eternity in your heart and walk in righteousness.

Romans 10: Pray for the lost, floundering and backslider, that their eyes and ears will be open to God's voice and truth. It's not enough just to have zeal, we must know God. Confession must be made. Repent. Faith is key. Believe in faith- God honors it. Those that accept salvation through faith won't be ashamed. Without faith it's impossible to please God. Salvation is given to all without prejudice. Whoso calls on Jesus shall be saved. The Word of God expounds Jesus to us and the imperitiveness of faith. Pray for opened eyes and ears. Pray for greater faith, wisdom and understanding.

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