September 19, 2018

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1 Samuel 5: All shall bow before the Lord. None can stand before Him.

Isaiah 54-55: The Lord, in lovingkindness, had drawn to Himself a people. His mercy is sure. He'll be kind and forsake not. he's the Covenant Maker and Keeper, utterly faithful. He'll establish His people in righteousness, for sin can't dwell before Him. No wickedness, fear of evil will be there, none of the devil's plans will prosper and his voice and accusations be silenced, for the Lord is our righteousness and our defense! Salvation is offered, full and free. How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? Why chase and labor for that which doesn't satisfy? The Lord is sufficient- He satisfies our every need. Listen to He who calls. He's the Promise maker and keeper, rich in mercy to those that fear Him. May the Lord's work in us draw others to Him. Taste and see that the Lord is good! Seek Him while mercy is yet here! Don't delay and spurn Him. Forsake wickedness and truly repent. Plead forgiveness even for thoughts of sin for God sees all and the imaginations of men's hearts are desperately wicked. Return to the Lord, He's faithful and just to forgive and cleanse from all unrighteousness. Who knows the mind of God? He's above all. None of God's words will go out void. Each word testifies of Him. May HIs word and work be received and prosper. The redeemed of the Lord shall have true oy and peace, and when His Kingdom comes, all nature will be restored. Sin will be banished.

Romans 14: We are accountable to God for ourselves. When we're weak of ourselves, look to Jesus. He's able to uphold us. Better to willingly proclaim Jesus as Lord now, then to find out via the judgment. Don't judge or tear down others, but edify each other. Encourage and build up in sincerity with the love of Christ in words and actions. If we have not faith, we're none of His.

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