Chapter 2

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Central City-February 10, 2006

"Come on Barry you have to ask her at some point!" Iris said, shoving her math textbook into her locker.

Barry looked over at Y/N as she pulled her AP Chemistry book out, "She's just so beautiful. What if she says no? It would be so awkward and-"

Iris cut him off, "Barry I get that you're nervous, but sitting here talking to me isn't going to help."

"Hey, Iris!" Y/N shut her locker and walked over.

"Hey Y/N!" Iris nudged Barry.

"Uh, yeah, hi," Barry looked at the ground, holding his AP Chemistry book close.

The warning bell rang through the halls, causing Barry to jump. Y/N giggled and started walking to class when Barry stopped her.

"What's up?" Y/N asked.

Barry's cheeks felt hot, "Um, nothing, I just thought we could walk to class together today. I mean if you don't want to that's fine I can just-"

"Sure. Race ya!" Y/N started running through the halls.

"Hey, that's not fair! You got a head start!" he yelled as he tried to keep up, a dorky smile spreading across his face.

Y/N looked back for a second to see how far behind he was when she tripped over her shoelace.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Barry ran over panting. He sat down beside her against a locker as she caught her breath.

"I'll be fine. I've really got to get these laces to stay tied though," she said as she rubbed her elbow.

"Here," Barry said, tying her shoelaces for her, "You sure you're alright?"

"Yeah. Come on we'll be late," Y/N said as Barry helped her up.

However, Barry was so nervous that he pulled too hard and her face ended up inches from his. They both blushed a deep scarlet as they awkwardly separated and ran the rest of the way to class. "Great, I've just ruined the possibility of friendship," Barry thought. They walked into class together just seconds before the bell rang.

"Barry you were almost late for the third time this week," Mr. Cooper said, not even bothering to look away from the whiteboard.

"Sorry Mr. Cooper," Barry was still out of breath as he took his seat.

"Today we will be learning about stoichiometry and molecular composition," Mr. Cooper said, turning away from the whiteboard.

Y/N looked over at Barry. He sat there with a dorky smile on his face, pencil in hand. "I never noticed how cute he was," Y/N thought to herself, "Wait, no stop you can't like him already! You just talked to him for the first time a few minutes ago-" Y/N's thoughts were interrupted when she heard Mr. Cooper telling Barry to go switch seats with David. Barry blushed as he grabbed his things and moved seats. Right next to Y/N.

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