Chapter 21

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March 15, 2006

Y/N and Barry had spent the last few weeks going over every piece of evidence they had on their parents' cases. Joe did what he could to help, but he did have other cases to work on.

"Barry, are you sure we've checked everything?"

"We've been going over it for weeks. There's no way we missed anything."

"I guess, but even after all this work we still only know that our parents were both murdered by this blur thing 2 minutes apart. There must be something we're missing," Y/N pulled a folder out of the box and began rereading it.

Barry pulled the folder from her hands, "Hey, let's take a break. I'm getting hungry."

"You're always hungry."

"Am not. Only most of the time," Barry smiled.

"Fine. Let's order a pizza or something."

25 minutes later

"Barry you can't eat all the pizza!"

"You said you were full!" Barry defended

Y/N laughed, "You're going to make yourself sick."

"I do this all the time," Barry chuckled as he grabbed the last piece.

Y/N loved it when he had that dorky smile on his face. She loved hearing him laugh. She loved seeing him happy. "Come on, Y/N, you don't really like him, right?" Y/N thought to herself.



"You just looked kind of dazed."

"Oh, I was just thinking, that's all. I'm going to go get some water. Want anything?" Y/N stood up.

"I could go for another pizza," Barry said with that dorky smile plastered across his face.

"Haha," Y/N walked into the kitchen. "He's kind of cute," Y/N thought to herself, "I don't like him, right? Or do I?" Y/N walked back into Barry's living room.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Barry asked.

"I'm sure," Y/N sat down next to him.

"Want to watch something?"

"I don't know, I feel like we should be working."

"Y/N, we've been working on this forever. Let's just watch some TV and be teens for a bit."

"I guess."

Barry smiled and grabbed the remote off the coffee table.

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