Chapter 17

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Barry woke up to see Y/N in his arms. He looked at the clock on Y/N's wall, squinting to make out the numbers. "2:00?" Barry thought, "How had they slept so late?"

"Y/N?" Barry whispered, nudging her gently. She snuggled into Barry's chest. "If Tony ever found out about this I would be so dead" Barry thought to himself.

"Y/N it's 2:00" Barry whispered again.

"Huh?" she looked up, her eyes barely open, "2:00?"

"Yeah apparently we were really tired," Barry got out of Y/N's bed and walked over to the window. He squinted as he opened the blinds.

"Hey, Barry?"


"Thank you,"

"For what?" Barry walked over to the sleeping bag.

"For being there for me,"

"Oh, um, thanks for being there for me too," Barry smiled.

"My parents should be out grocery shopping for a bit, do you want to hang out a bit longer?" Y/N asked.

"I should probably get going. Joe and Iris don't know where I've been," Barry finished rolling up the sleeping bag and put on his shoes.

"Oh, okay, well thank you again,"

"I'll see you at school," Barry smiled before he turned and walked out of her room.

Barry was still overwhelmed from last night. Prom night is supposed to be one of the best nights of a high schooler's life, but Barry spent it crying with Y/N. Barry opened the door and walked in.

"Hey guys? I'm home," Barry took off his jacket and set it on the chair.

"Barry!" Iris ran over and hugged him.

"Where were you?" Iris was hugging him so tightly he could barely breathe.

"Let me go and I'll tell you,"

"Oh, sorry," Iris released him, "So?"

"I, um, spent the night at a friend's house,"


"Someone you don't know," Barry lied.

"Mhm," Iris knew he was lying, but she didn't want to push it.

"Where's Joe?" Barry asked.

"He's out looking for you,"

"What did you guys think had happened to me?" Barry asked. He felt awful for scaring them.

"We didn't know what had happened, Barr," Iris grabbed the phone and called Joe, "Hey dad, Barry's home. He spent the night at a friend's house."

Iris turned to Barry, "You do know how much trouble you're in, right?"

Barry nodded. He didn't get punished very often, but when he did, it was serious.

"Barry," Joe walked in the door a few minutes later, trying his best to be stern, but he really was happy to see him, "Why didn't you tell us where you were? You could have at least left a note!"

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice, someone needed me last night,"


"I, um, can't say,"

Joe looked at Barry, "Barry, where were you?"

"I told you someone needed me,"

"Barry if you don't tell me who then I'm sorry but you're going to be punished,"

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you," Barry had tears in his eyes.

All Joe wanted to do was hug Barry. He hated it when Barry cried, but he needed to be taught a lesson, "Then I have no choice. You're grounded for 2 weeks."

Barry nodded as tears rolled down his cheeks. If only he could tell Joe what he'd been through last night...

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