Chapter 45

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Y/N's lips felt soft and warm against Barry's. They slowly pulled away, smiling.

"I wanted to do that for 8 years," Y/N admitted.

"Me too."

"What happens now?"

Barry paused. "I...don't know. Do you want to go out tomorrow night?"

"I'd like that. Where?"

"Uh, good question," Barry chuckled, still not breaking eye contact.

"Ice skating? We left early last time, remember?"

"Our first date. How could I forget? Wait, tomorrow would have been our anniversary! We went ice skating on July 15, 2006!"

"First of all, talk about coincidences, and second of all, how do you even remember the exact day?"

"It was one of the best days of my life," Barry replied, causing both him and Y/N to blush even harder.

"So, tomorrow after work?"


"Okay great! What time is it? I still need to unpack."

Barry checked his phone and answered, "Oh, um, 7:34. Do you want any help?"

"You don't mind?"

"I have nothing planned and I wouldn't mind catching up some more."

"Well okay then. Thanks!"

Barry sat his empty coffee cup down, took her face in his hands and kissed her again. YN tangled her fingers into Barry's hair. He'd missed this so much. He pulled back, his eyes sparkling.

"You're welcome. Now come on it's going to be dark soon." He slid his hand into hers and they started walking to Y/N's apartment.


"Wow you've literally unpacked nothing. How long have you been here?"

"Uh, since last night, so no I haven't had a chance to unpack."

"I guess we should get started then. Do you want me to order a pizza or something? We never ate dinner."

Y/N, realizing how hungry she was, responded, "Please! I'll pay you back."

"This ones on me!"

"Barry I-"

Barry cut her off and put a finger to her lips, "I'm paying." Y/N knew there was no point in arguing, so she gave in and started opening the box closest to her.


"Where should I put these?" Barry asked, holding up a bunch of forks.

"Uh, what about that drawer?"

"That one?" Barry joked, pointing to a drawer on the opposite side of the kitchen. Y/N just smiled and continued stacking plates into the cabinets. They heard a knock on the door and Barry ran to get it. "Hello!" he greeted in an awful russian accent. Y/N burst out laughing in the kitchen. He was such a goofball.

"Just sign here." The pizza guy pointed to a line at the bottom of the receipt and Barry handed him 30 dollars.

"Keep the change," he said, continuing to use his awful russian accent.

"Thanks." The pizza guy handed Barry the two boxes of pizza and Barry closed the door.

"Barry you're such a dork," Y/N laughed as he walked into the room. Her face was bright red which Barry assumed was from all the laughter.

"Yeah I know. But you're a dork too."

"Hey, I'm a geek we've talked about this."

"Okay fine then." Barry sat the pizzas on the counter and grabbed a slice from one of the boxes.

"There should be plates in that box over there."

"It's pizza, we don't need plates!" Barry remarked just seconds before a piece of pepperoni fell from his pizza to the floor. "Well that was awful timing."

"Again, plates should be in that box over there," Y/N laughed, grabbing a slice herself.

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