Chapter 32

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"Can't you just let us have one nice moment together?" Barry said sarcastically.

"What are you?" Y/N asked.

"It's who, and that's a question for another day."

"Why do you hate us so much?"

"Can't say."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Can't tell you. Not yet at least."

"Then why are you here?" Barry demanded.

"Oh yes...that. I'm here because I need your help," the blur sat down.

"What could you possibly need our help with? And also, why would we help you?" Y/N's eyes were full of rage.

"Someone is here. Someone from my time, and they're here for you. If they find you, they'll kill you, and I can't let that happen."

"Because you need us. Who is here exactly? And when exactly is your time?" Barry asked.

"I was born in 2151, and I can't tell you."

"Whoa. 2151?" Y/N was shocked. She knew he was from the future, but the 22nd century? It seemed impossible.

"Yeah, not exactly the best times."

"Why not?" Barry asked.

"I can't tell you."

"Can you tell us anything?" Y/N was frustrated.

"Look, if I tell you about the future, it could create a completely new timeline."


"It's complicated..." the blur looked down.

"So what can we do? It's not like we can fight a villain from the future. We're teenagers!" Y/N had so many questions, but it was hard enough to not attack him. She needed answers, not broken bones.

"Take this," the blur handed Barry a small device.

"What does it do?" Barry studied the device.

"Look, I'm getting sick of watching you guys all the time. I've got things I need to do here before I can get back home. If he finds you, push the button on the side and I'll come. You can trust me."

"How do we know we can trust you? You've given us every reason to not trust you!" Y/N threw her arms in the air.

"Do you have any idea how hard this is for me? I'm asking my two greatest enemies for help!"

"You think this is hard for you?! You killed our parents! You ruined our childhoods!" Y/N exploded. Barry held her tight to keep her from attacking the blur. He knew the damage he could do, and he didn't want Y/N to get hurt.

The blur paused, "You're right, but I need you. If you die, I'm never getting home. Besides, do you really want me to have to watch you guys every second?" Y/N and Barry looked at each other and shook their heads. "That's what I thought."

"What's in it for us?" Y/N asked.

"Um, you don't get killed?" the blur responded like it was obvious.

"You've already told us you're going to kill us anyway. Why should we even bother?" A tear fell from Barry's eye and Y/N wrapped her arm around him.

"What about an I owe you?"

"How do we even know you'll hold up your end of the deal?" Y/N asked.

"I guess you don't...what do you want? It can be anything! Please, I'm begging you. I just want to get home."

"What do you think Barry?" Y/N looked down at Barry who had buried his face into the pillow on her lap. She wanted to do the same, but not in front of this thing.

"I-I don't really know. I mean, I never thought I'd actually be in this scenario."

"How about this? You stop stalking us and we get an I owe you."

The blur thought for a moment, "Deal." He stood up and turned to leave.

"Wait, one more thing," Barry stopped him.


"What do we call you?"

"They call me the Reverse Flash," he said before speeding off into the night.

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